Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Cloudless, Blue Sky Morning And 2º


Another frigid morning on the lake and it looks like we may have another week of this weather.  I didn't get up till 6:30 and looked out to a star-filled sky, a moon hiding behind a few clouds. I waited until 7:53 when the sun began to peak over Wells Bay, on its path back towards Long Point and beyond.  It's the first time we have seen a sunrise like this since December 6th and it seems strange to be invaded by sunlight and blue skies after weeks of gray, snow, and clouds.

Well, I have been fighting a cold, stuffiness and an occasional cough and I am not sure how to deal with it.  Just carry on, ignoring the symptoms, or stay home and take it easy.  Yesterday I said the heck with it and drove to a yoga class.  I sound like a brown bear when I talk, a sure give away that I have a cold.  I don't think I put anyone in my class in danger of catching my cold, however, no coughs and a small class.  It was good to go to class and I felt much better after it.  I came home, cleaned the parking area of snow again and then came in for lunch.  Evie heated up some of the vegetable soup and made me tuna sandwiches on toast, with a dill pickle on top for crunch.  I started a new series on EPIX called BERLIN STATION.  It's a spy series, with the CIA seeking to find a mole, someone like Edward Snowden who is passing CIA documents to the newspapers.  The show is different in that it's set in Berlin.

After lunch, neither of us did much, read, napped and watched some TV.  Evie was at a loss for things to do but finally settled on cleaning out the kitchen drawers, washing the insides and throwing away or putting away utensils we don't ever use, a form of downsizing or Kondoizing.  We both wanted to get outside, so we bundled up around 4:00 and decided to walk through the campground.  We hardly made it a couple of hundred yards when the wind picked up and we decided it was just too cold to enjoy a walk. Instead, we fired up the Outback and drove to Mayville, the village which got close to 70 inches of snow last week, to see the eight to ten feet of snow, piled up on the sides of the road. Amazing even a few days after the last snow.

Blue Snow at 4:30 PM
We were home by 5:00, in time for a glass of red wine and we enjoyed the end of the day, not worrying much about dinner because it was leftover pot roast and a salad.  And for those who don't like leftovers, stews like this are even better the second day.  We started a new to us but old and highly recommended series on Netflix called BLOODLINE.  We had watched it a year or two ago but never got beyond the first couple episodes.  My sister and her husband, however, highly recommended it so we are giving it another try.  So far, so good.  We stopped watching just as CNN and MSNBC picked up on Trump's latest Tweet, suggesting that his nuclear button was bigger than Kim Jong Un's.  What idiots, playing with nuclear war as if they are kids on a playground.

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