Friday, October 4, 2024

Fog Rising



It's just after 8:00, the sun partially muted by the sun, as steam rises on a 60º morning. It looks like another beautiful Indian Summer day like yesterday. It's 9:30 and I paddled for half an hour, on a sunny, quiet, smooth lake. 


Evie's Cosmos

Yesterday began like most Thursdays with breakfast at the Lake Life Cafe in Bemus. It's a fun way to start my day. When I returned, Evie finished the blog and was ready to head off to school. I decided to get in some yoga so I left soon after her. It was an easy class, Yin Yoga, and I felt much better after class. I was home by 11:15 and wanted to finish some things on the dock. So I put on my bathing suit and jumped in the water to remove some clamps I had put on the dock to hold the T shape together. And since I was in the water up to my chest, I swam, cold at first but gradually refreshing. It felt good to have that done so the dock can be taken out easily in the next couple of weeks. 

Kayakl Morning

Sandy Bottom



I showered and then had a bowl of chili which I had picked up at the Ashville Country Store after yoga class,  an easy and tasty lunch. The rest of the afternoon was typical, a light nap and I am into my book, The God Of The Woods. Evie was home by 2:00 and regaled me with the usual stories bout kindergarteners, always fun. 

Sitting On The Dock Reading

Because it was such a beautiful afternoon, windless, sunny and warm, I sat out on the dock for at least and hour. While I was reading,  Evie got busy and made a big batch of chili and packed a big batch of chili to freeze for dinners this winter.

Dining Out

We left for dinner with our friends, Jim and Barb, at 6::00 and it was a gorgeous half-hour drive just inside of Pennsylvania to the Bear Lake Inn, founded in the 1960s. We easily found seats although the parking lot had quite a few cars. 

Dinner With Jim And Barb

The Baby Bear

We liked our waitress and ordered beers of Jalapeno margaritas because it was Mexican night. Evie ordered a chicken sandwich and I had the special, a chimichanga, which I really enjoyed,  We stayed until 7:30, vowing to come back this winter, and drove home in the dark, careful to avoid the three times we saw deer. It's that time of the year. We were home by 8:30, watched some of the news, then the first half of the NFL game before going up to bed. 

My Favorite Local Yard Sign

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