Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fog Bound


Well, the fog is so dense I can hardly see beyond our lake wall. It's 37º and there's a freeze warning. Once the fog clears, we should have a cool but sunny day for once. It's 10:45 and I just paddled into the fog as it started to lift for forty minutes. It was an amazing morning on the lake.
Long Point

Kayak Morning

Fog Starting To Dissipate

Red-Tailed Hawk

Wednesday was gray and overcast with some drizzle so I didn't kayak once again. It had rained a half inch overnight so our major chore, bringing the air conditioners was in doubt. However, after breakfast and the blog, we took one out and it was not wet from the rain so we took out the other four, put them in the attic and wondered if we would ever use them again because we are thinking about getting split air conditioners for the house. We have yet to contact our plumber but hope to soon. Once we were done with that, I went for a walk around the neighborhood and noticed a V-shaped branch hanging on an electrical wire. So I called Niagara Mohawk and within a half hour, they had a truck down to check it out. 

At noon, my good friend Stan picked me up and we went for lunch in Bemus. My basketball buddies from Cleveland were supposed to drive up but both were sick so there was just two of us to reminisce about the good old days, playing ball and teaching at Painesville Harvey High for a couple of years. I was home by 1:30 and read and napped before driving off to Lakewood at 3:00 to have the battery on my car checked. The mechanic said it was fine so I am hoping for the best. I then did a quick run through Wegmans, picking up prescriptions and a few things for dinner,.

When I returned, I finished my book The Editor, a biography of Knopf's well-known editor, Judith Jones, and started Nuclear War, A Scenario which describes in great detail what would happen when a hydrogen bomb is dropped on the Pentagon. It depicts in detail its terrible effects on people and surroundings and, if I continue reading, leads to the end of the world as we know it. I don't think I will continue reading it. 

At 5:00, we relaxed with wine and it finally cleared up and we had some sun on Long Point again, making for another stellar afternoon view. Dinner was easy, the leftover pork, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. We watched Kamala's interview with Bret Baier and thought she held her own and showed spunk and grit when answering his questions. At times, he sounded like a Trump supporter, but that's Fox News. We ended the night with Colbert, CNN's pundit's reaction to the interview and Dark Winds. 

Late Afternoon Color

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