Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Rainy Sunday




It's 8:30 as I start this and it is raining out. We received a couple inches overnight and neither of us heard the rain. It was 52º when I woke and may get up to 70º in the afternoon.  One of the weather apps mentioned the possibility of light snow Monday night or Tuesday morning. I tried to kayak around 9:40, and was out for maybe five minutes before it started to pour so I came in, soaked but happy to have gotten in a short paddle.

Kayak Morning

Cormorants Hanging Out In The Rain

Yesterday was a depressing day because we should have been in Philadephia enjoying the RC reunion but we made the best of it. I got in a decent paddle to start the day and we had plans to get two things done, stop at the Kia dealer to check on my car and pick up a loaner from Enterprise in Jamestown. Well, I called Kia first, and no one answered at service so I then talked to the operator who said the service department is closed on Saturdays so now I will have to wait until Monday. Meanwhile, Evie called Enterprise and they had our car reservation from our insurance company Erie but did not have a car available. Evie had to cajole them into promising us a vehicle on Monday at 5:00. So our fun continued.

So we were back, then, to a normal Saturday, gathering the trash and I drove off to the Transfer Station, getting at least one thing done. By noon, Evie had my lunch made, cauliflower soup and a salami sandwich. She then went outside and began to mow the yard, hoping to get it down before it started to rain. I ate my lunch, enjoyed some football, and then another episode of Justified. I then read some and briefly napped, did a few things in the yard, then sat out in the sun reading until Evie asked me to finish up the mowing. By 5:00, we had the yard and Evie's garden looking good and everything put away.

We decided to drown our sadness in a Manhattan or two with some good cheese and crackers, mourning the fact that Garrison Keeler is no longer on the radio. We loved to listen to him each Saturday in the 1990s. Evie was smart enough to pull some chili out of the freezer for dinner, no fuss, and with saltine crackers and a salad, we enjoyed our dinner. We watched the usual, CNN, home improvement show, and a quarter of Ohio State football before going up to bed early.

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