Yes |
8:54 |
It's overcast and a cold, 32º with snow flurries forecast for an hour. The lake, however, is calm so I might get in a kayaking depending on my mood. It's 9:00, Evie's up and I just returned from a forty-minute paddle in sleet, rain, snow or drizzle, depending on the minute. Still, it was nice to be out on the lake, the solitary paddler.
Kayak Morning |
North |
North, Again |
Yesterday began with the blahs, a cloudy sky but ended up with some sun and blue skies, a miracle. I got in a good paddle because of the calmness of the morning and lake, over to Long Point and back. I then had breakfast, finished the blog, and was off to yoga at 9:30. It was a talkative group, unusual for class and, as usual, rigorous with Tara. She suggested we pick a word to define 2024 and I decided on 'YES,'. Yes, I will kayak, yes, I will go to yoga, etc. After class, I stopped and picked up a few things at a busy Walmart and was home by noon, to chicken noodle soup, compliments of Evie who had a busy morning both inside and out because of the sunny late morning. I had an eye doctor appointment at 1:15 so I did not linger and was out quicker than usual, by 1:45. My right eye needs a touch-up because it has clouded up since my cataract surgery a couple of years ago.
Afternoon Blue |
Blue skies, Clouds, Sun |
I was home by 2:00, had some more soup, then read and napped because I was up so early. By 3:30, however, I was bored and went outside and worked in the yard for a good hour, cutting down perennials and raking the leaves out of Evie's garden, filling up two garbage pails, and taking them up the hill when I was done. We were back in our routine by 5:30, sitting in our living room, enjoying a glass of wine and listening to the news, always 'breaking', on CNN. Evie already had dinner made, having breaded and browned pork chops and put them in the oven. We loved the pork chops, wished we had made more than two, and watched another episode of Fargo on Hulu, then some ER before bed. It was a surprisingly good day.
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