Saturday, August 1, 2020

A Mottled Sky Of Gray, A Cool Morning




I tend to say that it's 8:30 when I start my blog and it's 8:30 today.  I was out for over an hour, paddling Woodlawn, to Long Point, Sandy Bottom, and home.  A few fishing boats were out but no tournament this weekend.  In fact, I was surprised at how quiet the lake was at this early hour.  

Kayak Morning

Heron Feeding Along Woodlawn Creek

Friday was another fine day on the lake, making us wonder why we ever think of traveling.  Everything we want or need with the big exception of family is right here.  So were our happy to be sort of quarantined in such a wonderful area of the US.  We did not do much of anything yesterday, a day of rest for both of us.  We straightened up the house, the kitchen, had our breakfast and wrote the blog, and decided it was too nice of a day to stay in so we went for a cruise over to Bemus Point and back. T. S.  Eliot's "The Waster Land, he said, "In the mountains there you are free".  Well, we feel, in the middle of the lake, cruising at full speed, we feel free.  It was a good way to spend our morning and we wonder why we don't do it more.  

A Delicate Coneflower

When we returned home, Evie decided to hit the dock, enjoy life under our fancy jerry-rigged umbrella and I was a good boy and practiced Yoga With Adriene for forty-five minutes, keeping my vow to either do yoga, ride a bike or walk every day.  I am not good at keeping vows so I will probably break it in the next day or two.  After yoga, it was time for lunch, another bowl of quinoa soup and a bagel with peanut butter.  I watched my show, Hinterland, then read and napped for an hour since I was up before 5:00 yesterday morning.  I then joined Evie on the dock until 5:00 when we both came in to shower and get ready to go to the Rod and Gun Club for a fish fry.

Dining At Rod And Gun

We went because they had outdoor seating but it was still a mistake.  I have never seen it so crowded, at least two or three hundred people, most of our age, out for dinner.  If you were standing, you wore a mask, if seated, you did not have to.  The bar and restaurant were packed with people wearing masks meandering around, waiting for a table or ordering a beer  Still, it made us uncomfortable so we spent our time outside waiting to sit down and finally getting a table outside a good distance away from most people.  The fish fry was great as was our service but we vowed to never go back.  It would take just one person to infect many around them, mostly elderly.  

We were happy to get home, enjoy an ice cream sandwich and watch the first episode of  Watchmen only to discover HBOGO, where we found it, ended July 31st so we no longer can get the next episodes.  Perfect.  It was late by the time we finished, so we just went up to bed.  

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