Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Once More On The Lake


It's 8:40 and I got in a good hour of paddling, my usual along Woodlawn, across to Long Point, then Sandy Bottom and home,  When I returned, the weed cutters were out, cutting weeds between docks, clearing them out in front of the house for the last time this summer.    

Kayak Morning

Kayaking Towards The Fog

Blue Skies Looking North

Heron On A Dock

Yesterday was a day of sameness, with the blog and breakfast and Evie spent a good part of the day watering because no rain was expected (what a joke).  I decided to get in a walk so I drove over to Bemus and walked along Lakeside drive, getting in two and a half miles, just right.  It was warmer and sunnier than I remembered so I worked up quite a sweat along with other bikers and walkers. 

View Along Lakeside Drive

I didn't get home until around noon and Evie had made me both my granola and a pot of corn chowder for lunches, what a girl, super, primo, extra, gardener, and cook!  Mid-afternoon, a 6 pound can of Tomato Magic arrived, a sauce many raved about on Facebook. 

It Better Be Magic!

I had the soup and the last of the pizza and started a new Japanese cop show called Giri/Haij on Netflix.  So far, so good.  I started another Tana French novel, The Trespasser, and fell asleep of course while reading.  I then watched some of the NBA playoffs on TV, one of four games, the first starting at 1:30, the last at 9:00.  And it looks like that will be the program for the next week or two or three.  Evie spent a good amount of time on the dock while I read on the porch until 5:00 when we got ready to meet Linda and Ron in Bemus Point, at the Ellicottville Brewery.  

Curbside Dining
We found a nice isolated table outside, next to the hydrangea bushes.  It's not a cheap place to eat so we shared two appetizers, Bavarian pretzels, and a beer cheese dip and hot and spicy chicken thighs.  The pretzel was great, the chicken thighs mediocre.  We should have just stuck with the pretzels and it would have been enough for us.  

Evening Sky

We left about 8:30 and drove home to a darkening sky.  Remember, no rain was predicted for the day.  About 9:30, as we were watching the Democratic Convention, it started to thunder and lighting and poured an inch of rain in probably 15 minutes.  That was it for the night as the storm moved on.  The convention, so far, was better than we thought it would be and Michelle Obama's speech was pitch-perfect.  We can see why she is the most admired woman in the United States.

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