Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Hanging Out In 'Comfort"

Good Morning Cleveland

It's 7:30 and there will be no kayaking this morning and no lake view. Instead, I look out at a Comfort Inn parking lot in Cleveland, watching the breaking news, Kamala, Kamala, VP, VP, a 'nasty women' according to Drumpt.  

We spent yesterday morning as usual, with an early paddle, then breakfast and the blog.  Evie spent a good hour watering her garden and flowers because of the heat and lack of rain. It needed it.  We both then took some time to pack up for our two days in Ohio, making sure we had all our devices and their power cords. We might not miss an extra shirt but forgetting a power cord for Evie's phone would be a disaster.  There was not much to pack actually, so much easier than when we would take a couple of week road trip. For lunch, I had the leftover burrito, watched my show, read, and napped briefly before taking a shower before we left.

Flax And Dahlias From Evie's Garden

We were on the road by 2:00 arriving at our Comfort Inn at 4:15.  We picked it only because it was so close to the hospital and wished, once we got our room, we had gone to the nearest Hampton Inn.  We actually asked to change our rooms because the first room had a strange odor.  We finally settled in, relaxed for an hour, then drove off to Trader Joe's, a ten-minute drive. We waited in a line outside of Trader Joe's for ten minutes because they limit the number of customers.  We browsed every aisle, picking up only goods that would not need freezing.  We then stopped at our favorite Jewish deli, Corky and Lenny's, empty except for take-outs.  We ordered two corn beef sandwiches and a matzo bowl soup and took them back to our motel to enjoy.  The soup was great, the sandwiches so huge that we really should have ordered only one.  We watched all the pundits applaud the choice of Kamala on CNN and MSNBC and turned to Fox News which was talking about the canceling of college football.  

We both were tired and ended up turning off the lights by 10:00, unusual for us but there was little to watch on TV and we are not used to commercials.  We leave for the hospital at 8:30, my procedure is at 10:00.  

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