Thursday, August 6, 2020

Paddling In The Fog On A 52º August Morning




Just returned from an hour paddle, often surrounded by the fog but now, at 8:30, it has mostly burnt off, the sun reflecting on the lake.  It got worse as I paddled toward Tom's Point and I had to hug the shoreline as I paddled home.  I ran into the fly fishermen again, talked to him and his paddleboard is made exclusively for fishermen, with tie-downs for a cooler and a tackle box, a place for a fish finder as well. 

Kayak Morning

Osprey At Bootey Bay

Heron At Victoria

Fly Fishing

Got Cooler, Tackle Box, And Fly Fishing Rod

Yesterday was just one of those days where either we got up on the wrong side of the bed or the quarantine is getting to us because neither of us wanted to do much other than lie around the house, reading or watching TV.  I made myself paddle, then, in a burst of surprising energy, went over to Bemus Point and rode my bike down to Long Point, through the park and home,  I had my first fall; I made the mistake of going on a fat tire bike trail, slowed down too much as I made a 90º turn, hit a tree root, and my front wheel turned too much and I fell on my side, scraping my knee, reminding me of my childhood when I used to fall off my bike and skin my knee.  I continued on the trail, more carefully and was back at my car, happy to be heading home.  

Path Along Grove Of Black Walnut Trees

Evie was reading when I returned on the porch, having done some wash.  I heated up the white bean stew, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then watched my show.  I then read, fell asleep for a good forty-five minutes, and joined Evie on the porch.  Not much of a change in our daily lives. I am reading a new book called All Adults Here, by Emma Straub.  It's a hot title on many lists.  It's certainly not a guys book, more about relationships and family then shoot em ups and violence.  I guess I am just a SNAG (a sensitive new age guy).

By 4:00, we were sick of ourselves, of our laziness, so we went out and worked in the yard for an hour, trimming our privets on both sides of the fence, gathering the trimmings and I took them up the hill to the woodpile.  We were both proud of ourselves for having done something with our lives, finally, and ended up on the porch with a glass of wine, crackers, and cheddar/horseradish cheese spread.  Dinner was already made, the chicken, mushrooms, and artichoke hearts from Monday night.  We had it with the leftovers rice, salad, and corn on the cob.  We finally found something to watch, a six-part series set Australia called Stateless, about the interning of illegal immigrants that have come to Australia.  It's a problem for most advanced countries and will be an increasing problem over the next fifty to hundred years.  So we better start figuring out how to deal with it in a humane way.  I recommend it.  Earlier, while heating up dinner, Evie put together a blueberry coffee cake, so we had that for dessert, a good way to end an otherwise forgettable day.

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