Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Not As Hot Or Humid




Yep, it's 8:30 and Evie's up and I just returned from an hour on the lake, another quiet morning and a couple of good shots of a heron and osprey, making the morning.  

Kayak Morning

A Great Blue Heron At Attention

Osprey On The Hunt

Yesterday was a bore because we had to leave for some tests for me at 7:30 to get to the Ashtabula Cleveland Clinic.  Because I am having a catheterization and possible angioplasty and stent placement tomorrow,  I needed to get a blood test, an echo, and a COVID Test.  I was able to get the first two done in an hour and then we waited in a line of cars for about a half-hour, to get to the drive-through, where I was tested for COVID 19 by having a long swab stuffed up my nose.  Once that was done, we were on our way home stopping at Love's Truckstop for gas and lunch for me since I had not eaten that morning,

Evie's New Favorite Dahlia, Lucky Number

We were home earlier than we thought, by 1:30 and neither of us felt like doing much the rest of the day, mostly because the disgusting humidity made it impossible to be outside even with a breeze.  So Evie braved the porch with a fan on and I turned on the air conditioner in the TV room, to watch my show, read and watch a bit of the NBA.  No one seemed to be out enjoying the sun, probably hunkering down somewhere in the shade or in the water to keep cool.  We did neither.

It cooled off enough for us to enjoy a glass of wine on the porch, as the breeze picked up some making it bearable.  Evie had put together our dinner Sunday, burritos stuffed with chicken, black beans, salsas, cheese.  She heated them up and set them on top of a salad, covered them with some salsa and sour cream and we had American style burritos.  Yum.  We tried a film, didn't like it then started the new Netflix series from Germany called The Twelve, about a double murder and the twelve jurors who have decided if she is guilty or not.  It's a bit confusing at first as we are not sure who's who but we liked it enough to keep going,  We ended the night with Fox News, to keep the blood pressure up. 


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