Saturday, August 29, 2020

Morning Storms





Well, I am starting this earlier than usual, at 6:54 since I have been up for over an hour.  I am sitting on my front porch, watching a storm move in and drench our yard, blurring our view of Long Point. We probably got at least an inch in the past twenty minutes.  I actually love it because there's not much wind, thunder, or lightning, just rain pelting the roof of our porch.  I won't be kayaking for a while. 

Kayak Morning

It's 8:30 and I just returned from a paddle in the drizzle but by the time I pulled my kayak on my lift, blue skies to the north filled the sky,

Heron Among The The Reflections

Yesterday was a crappy day for me since I had a bad night, getting up way too early, making me irritably much of the day.  I did get in a paddle early although it was not the same without my camera and no need to search for waterfowl.  When I  paddled in, I put on my bathing suit and went into the lake, rescuing a couple of our neighbor's chairs which had been tossed in the lake from their dock during yesterday's wind storm. I then went for a swim since I was already in the lake and it was the best I felt all day, the miracle of a swim in a cold lake. I then wrote the blog, had breakfast, and helped Evie finalize her grocery list.  She left at noon to get her hair cut, then do some shopping at Wegman's.  I spent the morning looking for something to do but not doing anything other than finding a couch and reading, waiting for lunchtime.


Lucky Number

Evie left around noon and it's always strange to be home alone, something that rarely happens.  Wow, what can I do now?  Well, I heated up the moussaka and lentil soup, watched my show, then fell asleep reading my novel until I was awakened by a phone call from an unknown caller.  So I got up and because it looked so pleasant outside, I decided to go out and read on the dock. When I got out on the dock, I realized one of our chaise lounges was missing, most likely in the lake.  So I grabbed one of our lake rakes, raked along the dock and viola, it grabbed a part of the lounge and I pulled it up and on to the dock without having to go in the lake.  I took it to our backyard and washed it down with soap, water, and a hose, washing the weeds and seeds off it.  While I was finishing up, Evie drove in so I helped her unload the car.  By the time I was finished with the lounge, I had lost any mojo I had so I returned to the porch and read until 4:00 when I got so fed up with myself that I made myself practice yoga for forty-five minutes with Adriene on YouTube.  It worked because I felt much better.

Back To Normal, Friday Night Fish Fry

We both showered around 5:00 and drove off to the Viking Club at 5:45 for a fish fry, hoping we could sit outside and avoid what looked like rain.  Fortunately, we were able to sit outside under their covered patio, a safe distance from other tables.  It was a fairly busy night at the club as everyone wants to get out of the house.  We had to stand in line, a safe distance from others, to order a beer and the fish fry so they are being careful and everyone wears a mask unless they are sitting down.  We waited about 20 minutes for our number to be called and Evie walked up and picked up our fish fry dinners, in a styrofoam box.  It was as good as we expected, the fish nice and hot, the fries and coleslaw tasty, the roll with butter, soft like a marshmallow.  It ended up being a pleasant night, gray skies but no rain.  We were home by 8:00.  Our evening TV was highlighted by peaches and vanilla ice cream as we watched another Colbert, then some news and junk TV.  It ended up being a better day than I thought when I woke up so early.

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