Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunny And Getting Warmer

Granddaughters: 2011


Grandsons: 2012

It's later than usual for me to start the blog because I slept in until 6:30, not my usual time.  I didn't get on the lake until close to 8:00 and it was surprisingly empty, only a few fishing boats.  I never saw a heron or eagle so perhaps I was too late for their breakfasting.  Still, it's always good to be out on the lake, whatever time, day, or season.  



Yesterday went fast, a typical Saturday for us I guess.  I paddled, then we gathered the trash and I was off to the Transfer Station, surprisingly crowded so it was difficult to find a place to park. Fewer and fewer are wearing masks.  When I returned home, it was time for my bi-monthly shearing, so I got out the scissors, the chair, sat in the yard under a shade tree and Evie quickly cleaned me up. Whereas most guys miss the barbershop, I always have a barber available, in fact, available since the 1960s. I jumped in the lake, washing my hair, found a couple of cement blocks that we used to anchor our buoys, and relaxed in the sun to dry.  I felt like a new boy.  

Opening Dinner Plate Dahlia

We decided to have lunch on a boat cruise so we were heading north by 12:15, a mistake, as the lake was choppy and windy so that we could hardly grab our food or drink.  We decided to change course and headed around Long Point and cruised along Bemus Bay which was much calmer so we could enjoy our hoagie, lemonade, and sweet potato chips.  When we returned, we reverted to the pattern, me taking a nap and Evie mowing the yard.  Once the yard was done, the trimming, Evie relaxed and I joined her after doing brief yoga practice and watching some NBA on TNT.  I enjoy watching ten to fifteen minutes, often the last five minutes of the game.  

Around 6:00, we sat on the front porch, enjoying a Manhattan and a wedge of Saint Andre, another one of our favorite cheeses.  We amused ourselves as you can see from the first three photographs, by looking back on Google photos at our summers with grandkids.  We laughed and cried, missing them this summer.  Earlier, we were invited to our neighbors for an outdoor showing of Hamilton but because we were both tired, we passed, alas.  Next time.  

Dinner was the leftover steak and mushrooms and Evie made homefries from the baked potatoes.  We also had great sweet corn and Evie's salad, a Saturday night dinner better than most restaurants.  We watched another Real Time With Bill Maher, always funny and depressing.  By the time it was over, we were ready for an early bed. 


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