Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Night Time Showers



It's a deliciously overcast morning, a calm, quiet lake, steam rising above the trees and 69º.  I had a fine paddle, shooting photos of both herons and eagles, perhaps the first merganser of late summer. Perhaps the rain scared off most boaters because I had the lake to myself most of the paddle.  

Kayak Morning

Blue Heron On Long Point Fishing Dock

Early Sighting Of A Merganser

Bald Eagle

Yesterday was supposed to be a day without anything we had to do until my temporary crown fell out Sunday night.  So after my paddle and breakfast, I drove to Jamestown and sat in the dentist chair for forty-five minutes, waiting for my crown to be cemented back in, a fun way to start the week.  Afterward, I did some mega shopping at a quiet Wegman's, stocking up for the week, then stopped at the can man, to get rid of my returnables and earmark the few bucks for St. Susan's Center, a food center for the needy in Jamestown.


Poppa Eagle

I was smart enough to buy a sub at Wegman's so there was no need to make lunch.  Just slice it and sit down to watch my show.  Evie always slices off a small part for her lunch and even so, it lasts both of us two days for lunch.  The afternoon was much more close than we thought, heavy with humidity and in the 80's, too uncomfortable either in the house or dock so we sat outside, in the shade of our willow tree, enjoying a nice breeze, the shade and reading,  

Boating With Kathy And Medio

Around 5:00, we asked our neighbor's daughter and her friend if they wanted to go for a cruise. They did and we cruised for a good hour, down to Cheney's Point and back along the shoreline, a fun ride with lots of conversation and house viewing.  We didn't get back till around 6:30 so while I put the cover on the boat, Evie put together our dinner which she had prepped earlier, scallops with a sauce of white wine, garlic, lemon juice, chicken broth and a dash of cream.  Once the linguini was done, the salad made, the corn on the cob buttered and salted, we had a scallop feast.  We watched a movie called  First Reformed, with Ethan Hawke.  About 15 minutes into it, we realized we had seen it before but stuck with it because it's such a powerful film, about a pastor who struggles with his faith, with what God's people are doing to his creation, its waters, forests, skies, and land.  The ending is abrupt and leaves the viewer with only questions, not answers,  It's worth a look.  We ended the night with Hometown, then comedy, the Republican Convention, led by a screeching, witchy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the number one son's main squeeze (for now). 

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