Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Autumn In August




I was up early, to a gray sky, and a light drizzle. I had my coffee and then went out for a short paddle because I had to leave for a cleaning at the dentist at 8:00, poor scheduling.  It was a cool morning, 60º and the lake was quiet, hardly a boat and no waterfowl.  Maybe I was out too early. 

Kayak Morning

Paddling Towards Bemus


Tuesday was pleasant, fall-like day, with lots of sun, temperatures in the low 70s and a cooling wind most of the day.  For both of us, it was another day of large leisure because we were going out to dinner with neighbors so nothing was on Evie's schedule.  For some reason, after kayaking and breakfast, I decided to make white bean stew or Turkish kuru fasulye.  So I got out the small cannelloni beans and the pressure cooker, and within a half-hour, I had the beans ready.  While they were cooking, I sauteed onions, added some tomato paste, Allepo and Marash pepper, then the beans and water.  I let it simmer for a good half hour until the beans were tender.  It still needed some flavoring, so I added more salt and red pepper to give it a bite, the way I like it.  

The beans were ready for lunch and along with sardines and saltines, I had a tasty and different lunch and watched my show.  While Evie went out on the dock,  I took a good nap, then joined Evie on the dock and finished, finally, my Swedish Salander book. It was actually chilly on the dock because of the wind and the lake was quiet, as August begins.  We stayed out on the dock until 4:00 when Evie came in to shower and get ready for a Zoom call with her sisters at 5:00.  I watched some basketball for 15 minutes, then took a shower and got ready for wine time at our neighbor's porch before we left for dinner in Bemus.  

We enjoyed wine and appetizers at Ken and Marjorie's, our neighbors four houses down.  Around 7:00, we drove over to the Bemus Point Golf Club And Tap House, where we like to go because we can sit outside and social distancing is practiced.  We found a table on their porch, with a great view of the golf course.  I ordered a burger and Evie had chicken tacos; I think I liked my burger more than Evie liked her tacos but both were good.  We had beers, closed up the joint, and walked to our cars in a drizzle,  It was a fun evening.

After Dinner

We were home in time to watch Chris Cuomo take apart the ridiculous Drumpt interview with Jonathan Swan, now on HBO's Axios.  It is hard to believe that Drumpt thinks he comes off well in interviews. Mostly, he makes a fool of himself, especially with his lies and misleading statements and this time, holding up pages of data, trying to prove his point. 

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