Monday, August 17, 2020

A Wonderfully Quiet Morning On Chautauqua Lake




Partly cloudy skies, hardly any boats on the lake, and a pleasant 64º begins my morning at 7:20.  I wonder where all the people, the boaters went or are they just sleeping in.  I am not complaining, just wish I could be out kayaking.  Tomorrow.

Yesterday was a day to relax which both of us did to some extent.  I was up later than usual after Saturday Night at the Movies.  I spent a good part of the morning reading the NYTimes and Washington Post online before writing the blog and having breakfast.  We decided Sunday would be a good day to get some shopping done, so while Evie stayed home and watered even though rain was predicted (a smart move because it never rained), I drove to Wegman's, stopping at Ryders Cup for a coffee and the barista was wearing a mask, finally.  Wegman's was semi-crowded for a Sunday morning as most probably have not been able to go to church.  I waited longer than usual to get to the checkout but was on my way home by noon.

An Unfurling Mini Dahlia

We had our traditional big breakfast on the porch, eggs, bacon, and bagels, hoping that it would rain soon.  The sky spit for about 30 seconds and that was it for the day despite lots of warnings. And that was for the most part for both of us as we either read, napped or enjoyed sitting in the shade of our maples or in the backyard garden, under the Bradford pear.  Evie literally watered from the lake most of the day, her garden, our trees, then the privets in the front yard.  That's one reason why everything is so green and healthy, her watering during this dry summer.  

Reading In The Garden

Around 5:30, we enjoyed appetizers and a Manhattan on our front porch, still hoping for rain, even pulling down our porch curtain during a brief 30-second shower.  Still, it was pleasant to be on the porch, watching the sky change, a rainbow appear briefly so somewhere, it must have been raining. 

Dinner was easy, corn on the cob, and the leftover chicken piccata and rice from Saturday night, still tasty.  We watched a couple of more episodes of Twelve and if you let your mind wander for a moment, you will be confused, as it follows five or six different people and their lives, not only the accused but the jurors as well as the victim's families.    

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