Friday, August 21, 2020


Better Together

Yep, Evie and I were married fifty-five years ago today, and, yes, it seems like only a few years ago, not yesterday. What do we have to show for it?  Three great children, seven grandchildren, and a life well lived and hoping for more of the same.  


Kayak Morning

Fishing At Long Point Fishing Dock

Long Point Morning

This morning I got in a paddle over to Warner Bay and back and it's 9:00, a late start my blog. It looks like another fine day on the lake and it seems like I say this most morning.  Both of us, however, think this has been the best summer weatherwise in years, lots of sunny days and blue skies.

Chautauqua's Thunder Bridge

Yesterday morning went quickly, the afternoon slower,  I paddled, wrote the blog and had breakfast and then we both decided to go for a walk around the Chautauqua Institution.  We got there around 10:30, showed our passes and spent an hour walking, admiring the gardens, looking at trees because we are thinking of putting in another in Evie's garden.  Evie's able to take a photo of a tree leaf and then her Google app will tell her the name of the tree.  Cool beans.

When we returned home, I was tired and not very hungry so I had a bagel with peanut butter for lunch and watched my show although all I wanted to do was go upstairs and nap because I was up at 5:00, awakened by the Canadian geese's honking.  Evie was busy cutting the lawn, taking timeouts in between cuttings, When I got up, the lake was inviting so we decided let's go for a boat ride,  Well, I have been having trouble with the boat throttle control.  I couldn't get into either forward or reverse so we had to forget a cruise, cover the boat, and hope Chris, our boat guy, can help us out sooner rather than later.  Bummer,

Ken And Majorie

We did not do much the rest of the afternoon, depressed about our boat but perked up around 5:00 when our neighborhood friends, Marjorie and Ken, came over for a glass of wine and appetizers.  It was a fun wine time, as we both have lots in common, mostly grandchildren and teaching,  They stayed until 7:00, worried that they had overstayed their visit.  It's funny because whenever we are invited somewhere for a glass of wine and appetizers, we always worry about overstaying our visit.

I was looking forward to dinner because Evie made a new recipe called Man Pleasing Chicken.  What a wife, always trying to please the Big Guy.  And surprise, it was really tasty, reminiscent of the teriyaki chicken I used to have in Honolulu.  Basically, Evie made a marinade of Dijon mustard, maple syrup, and vinegar, coated the chicken thighs with it and baked it for 40 minutes and voila, dinner.  We watched the final episode of Twelve and I liked it enough to recommend it.  The ending was both a surprise and interesting as we found out how the trial affected the jurors' lives.  We then watched some of the Democratic Convention before bed, excited by the past four days without lying, bullying and whining.  And I am anxious for the Republican Convention next week because I cannot wait to see which Republicans politicians have the gall to go on stage singing the praises of Trump.  They can't hide behind silence or ignorance any longer.

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