Thursday, August 20, 2020

Get Our The Sweats...It's 48º





Another bright sunny morning, the sun's reflection on the lake invading our living room.  I was out on the lake for a good hour, running into our neighbors, Jim and Tina, and braving the early morning fog, obscuring the lakefront at times.  

Kayak Morning

Heading Towards The Fog

A Neighboring Heron

A Fierce Looking Bald Eagle

Yesterday morning was not much fun as I spent a couple of hours in the dentist's chair, trying to figure out what to do with a couple of crowns that needed to be replaced.  The morning, however, started out well with a great paddle, the blog, and breakfast.  By 9:00, I was sitting in a dentist's chair, dreading the next couple of hours. By 11:00, I was parked outside my favorite coffee shop and vegetarian restaurant, the Labrinth Press which had just reopened.  I stood outside, ordered online, and within ten minutes I had my burrito and was driving home, with a quick stop at the bank to deposit a check.  Yet, I still get checks from some organizations, usually because I overpaid a bill.  

A Stocking Cap Morning On The Lake

When I got home, it looked like a whirlwind had hit it, as Evie got her mojo back and did some spring cleaning most of the morning, hit both the downstairs and upstairs, especially our bedroom, with clean sheets, love it.  I heated up the last of the corn chowder, halved my burrito and watched my series and a few minutes of basketball.  I then returned to my Tana French and I am now really into it, having difficulty putting it down.  Only sleep could do it.  So, after my nap, I joined Evie in the breezy, even cool side yard until it just became too cool in the shade.  I went in and sat on the front porch reading, out of the wind, until I decided to get in a walk before wine time.  I did the loop, up our road, along 394 to Victoria, down it to the lake and home, one mile but just enough to make me feel better about myself.

Dinner was exciting as we were having 25 ounces of Tomato Magic, wondering if it would be any good after all the hype.  Evie added meatballs and mushrooms, to the tomato sauce and our dinner was quite good, the sauce sweet rather than acidic so we did well.  We are back to our viewing routine, a Colbert, hometown, and Twelve before switching to the Democratic Convention. After three nights, it's clear that we are no longer in the 20th century but in the 21st Century, one that trumpets diversity, a new America of multiculturalism, dismaying I suppose to many Trumpers who long for the whiteness of the 1950s. It ain't returning so get used to it.  I wonder if having the likes of admired Republican Conservatives like Colin Powell, John Kasich, and Christy Whitman speak at the Convention give Trump's voters a pause.  Probably not.

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