Saturday, August 15, 2020

Ah, Home



It's 8:30 and I have been up watching the sky change since 6:00.  I have to admit its been boring since I cannot paddle until Tuesday or Wednesday because of the placing of a catheter in my wrist.  The morning has been quiet, the sky striking and I have browsed both the New York Times and Washington Post as well as Facebook.  Now what?  Write the blog. 


The Woods Of Victoria

Yesterday was a surprise to both of us,  We were wiped out for most of the day, a result I suppose of the two days spent in Cleveland, the hospital stay for me, the going back and forth for Evie.  It really took it out of us,  I woke determined to be active so after the blog and breakfast, I put on my hiking pants and long sleeve shirt (to avoid ticks) and walked our Woodlawn/Victoria woods.  It's not a long walk, just about a mile but at least its in the woods most of the way and it's convenient, just up the hill.  I walk it in all seasons and am always amazed at how different it looks.  Yesterday, it was a collage of greens, accentuated by deadfall and growth along the trails. I worked up a sweat and by the time I returned home, I was ready to lie down and relax, perhaps read a book. 


Woodlawn Creek

While I was gone, Evie was busy watering her garden, pulling weeds, tidying up.  Because we get water from the lake with a sump pump, we don't worry about being careful with a well so she watered the garden, the shrubs, and trees for a good hour.  And, like me, by the time she was through, she had had it for the day.

Lucky Number, Up Close And Personal

After the watering and hike, it was after twelve so Evie made me some home fries from leftover baked potatoes and a couple of eggs, my first good meal in a couple of days.  It tasted great and I felt back at home, eating lunch and watching my show.  By the time I was finished, I was almost too tired to go upstairs and nap.  I did nap, however, then read some.  Evie spent a good part of the afternoon out on the dock, where a nice breeze was cooling the 80º temperatures.  We then both relaxed in the side yard, in the shade, with a great vista, our lawn, trees, and lake until it was time to think about dinner.  We were going to have salmon but by 5:00, like me, Evie had lost her mojo so we ordered a pizza.  Around 5:30. I drove over to a busy Bemus Point and picked up the pizza, wondering what all these people were doing since few restaurants had much outdoor seating.  

We had our pizza and salad after 7:00, as we enjoyed a glass of wine out in our yard.  We watched a couple of Colberts, finally back from a two-week hiatus and another episode of Netflix's Twelve, a German courtroom series.  We went to bed earlier than usual, tired from our day of doing nothing,.  

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