Thursday, August 27, 2020

Morning Haze





It's 8:30 as I start the blog and I have just returned from an hour on the lake.  Evie, lucky gal, just came downstairs and is getting her coffee.  The lake was quiet, hardly another boat so maybe things have slowed down until the weekend, or until Labor Day, when things really quiet down.  On my way back, I talked with our neighbors, Betsy and Joe, up early, enjoying the sunrise and Joe's birthday on their dock.  He was born the same year we were married!

Kayak Morning

Long Point

A Great Blue

Quite A Figure

Yesterday was overcast much of the day, humid, and we never did make it out on the dock or in the boat for some reason.  We were having company for dinner but much of dinner was already done.  I kayaked of course and while Evie made a dessert, Nora Ephron's peach pie, I drove into Lakewood, parked my car, and biked for forty-five minutes, just enough, down to the Harbor House Hotel, Celeron, and back.  After biking, I stopped in at the Off The Beaten Path bookstore which has just moved to new digs and is doing better than ever. 

When I returned home, it was lunchtime and Evie made me a chicken sandwich to go with the lentil soup which she had made on Tuesday.  We are getting towards soup for lunch everyday season as a few leaves are beginning to turn and fall.  I watched my Japanese show, enjoyed lunch, read, and napped as Evie was busy off and on, mowing and prepping for dinner.  Around 3:30, I got bored and decided to spend some time weeding our brick walk, once again festooned with grass and weeds. It took me about an hour and then it was time to shower for dinner.

Sam And Us

Our friend, Sam, arrived around 5:40. We had never met him before, just communicated on and off over the past couple of years via my blog.  He lives in Indianapolis but his family goes way back at the Chautauqua Institution.  He's my age and like his father,  has spent at least part of a summer at Chautauqua every year of his life.  In fact, his grandfather was President of Chautauqua Institution in the 1940s and helped to keep it solvent in the 1930s.  So Sam is a font of information on Chautauqua going back to 1903 when his grandfather first came to Chautauqua.  We sat on the front porch, enjoying some appetizers and a cup of lentil soup as we both learned about each other's lives although Sam knew quite a bit about us because of the blog,  He's a retired cardiologist and avid runner, having run numerous marathons, dating back to the 1970s.  Dinner was moussaka, salad, and rolls, with peach pie for dessert.  It was fun getting to know him and learn about his family, his Chautauqua connections.  

We quickly did up the dishes after he left, not wanting to wake up to a messy kitchen in the morning,.  We then had time to watch Colbert and the Trump Festival on and off, mostly off when we would get upset at the lies.  One more night of this charade and back to a series.  

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