Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Sunday Summer Like Spring Morning

The Last Of The Loons?


It's a bit hazy this morning, the sun's up, and the fishing boats are out at 6:46.  It looks like a warm one, in the '80s, then tomorrow, it drops back to normal spring-like temperatures.  I was able to get in a good hour of paddling, over to Tom's Point and home but saw no herons, just a solitary loon.

Kayak Morning
Saturday was another fine day, perfect for the weekenders who needed to get things done outside. And it was busy here on Woodlawn, with lawns being cut, docks being put in, houses aired out after a long winter.  I started yesterday with an hour and a half paddle.  It was so nice on the lake that I did not want to come home.  After breakfast and the blog, Evie wanted to get going in the garden because, let's face it, she is a little obsessed.  So we cleaned up the kitchen, gathered up the trash and I drove off to the Transfer Station, dropped off the trash, then drove on to Tri James to pick up four more buckets of topsoil.  I was there just in time as there was such a demand that there was hardly any left.  From 10:30 on, then, Evie was happy to be weeding, transplanting, and spreading topsoil around the garden.  Meanwhile, I finished one of those onerous spring tasks that need to be done.  I set up six buoys, with chains, rope, and cement blocks, then rowed them out to the end of our dock, setting up a wall of buoys to keep the boats from cutting in front of our dock.  It took me a good hour and because of the wind, I had a hard time getting them in line.  At least they are out there and I can play with them, get them straighter when it warms up. 

Since Evie was working in the garden, I had to make my own lunch, can you imagine Patsi.  So I made it simple, a toasted bagel with a spread of hummus, just right.  I watched maybe half of a Bosch before I started to doze because I was up at 5:00.  So I took a nap, read some of my Davi Silva, then went outside to help Evie do some transplanting before she tired as well.  We decided to reward ourselves with a beer and chips and sit on the dock.  We both remarked how busy the lake seemed for the first time since Fall.  

We both were looking forward to dinner, the leftover meatloaf and baked potatoes.  Evie heated both up in the oven, made a salad, blanched some broccoli and we had dinner.  I found a movie that I thought we might like called CHINESE TAKEAWAY.  It's a strange story about a curmudgeonly hardware store owner who befriends a stranded Chinese man, alone and with no family in Buenos Aires.  Though neither speaks the other's language, they end up teaching each other about life and love.  It's quirky, a bit slow, but worth watching,  

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