Saturday, May 11, 2019

A Bright Shining 36º Spring Morning

Spring Wake Boarding



I woke up just after 6:00, came downstairs in time to photograph the sun rising, then make coffee, get the paper and settled on the couch and listen to the Bill Simmons podcast discuss the failure of the Boston Celtics to advance in the playoffs.  Despite the cold morning,  I cannot wait to get out on the lake.  It was another spectacular morning.  I was out for 80 minutes, paddling over to Tom's Point and beyond before heading home.  This morning the lake reminded me of one of those perfect summer mornings, the lake absolutely calm, the sky a bright blue. The only difference, it was 39º.  It's just 9:00 as I finish this and Evie just ran outside to photograph a guy wakeboarding on Bemus Bay.

Kayak Morning

Tom's Point

Spotted Sandpiper

Yesterday was overcast with some light rain on and off during the day so little or no work outside for either of us.  I started with a paddle in a light drizzle before driving off to yoga at 9:15, to a good class with Julie.  I stopped for coffee afterward, talked with Dave and got to hold Courtney's son four-month-old son, Bruin, one of my first yoga teachers. I miss not having babies around to hold but then return to Mom when they start to fuss or are tired.  

Enjoying Bruin
I then drove to Tractor Supply and found some wire fencing to surround Evie's new clematis so that the animals cannot get to it.  We have had a least two destroyed by animals devouring the new growth. I also stopped at Harbor Freight to pick up a ceramic knife, cheap, a recommendation from my brother in law, Jim.  

Greening  Of Chautauqua County
When I got home, Evie was itching to get outside but it was raining and gray. She had been busy in the kitchen, making another pot of her veggie soup, making my lunches for the next few days much better.  She grilled me a couple of cheese sandwiches to go with the soup so I was happy enjoying lunch and watching Bosch, Season Three.  I took a great nap, waking only when Evie let me know I had a half hour to get to my eye appointment in Jamestown.  My appointment was quick, everything seems fine, a bit of a change in my eyesight but not enough to warrant a new pair of spectacles.
I stopped at Aldi's on the way home since it was on the way, picked up a few things on sale and was home by 5:00 in time to have a glass of wine with Evie.

We didn't have dinner till 7:00 because neither of us felt like fussing.  Finally, around 6:30, Evie put together some salmon cakes with the leftover salmon, fried them up and I microwaved the Bob Evans Mac N Cheese and we had dinner.  The cakes were fine, the mac n cheese surprisingly salty, like most prepared foods.  We watched a fun Colbert, his guests the entire cast of VEEP which ends its final season on Sunday. We finished the night with Vice and another episode of RAKE. 

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