Sunday, February 13, 2022

Cold And Snowy


Once again, we received a couple of inches of snow overnight, turning the lake's crust white.  It's cold again, 10º, and should stay in the teens for the next couple of days but warm up late week.  

Saturday was a bit of a bore until the evening when we went to a friends' home in Lakewood for dinner. The boredom was a result of the weather, as the rain had turned to ice so it was dangerous to even walk out of our house a parking area was a sheet of ice. And the lake was icy as well so there would be no cross country skiing or snowshoeing.  So after a long coffee and breakfast and the blog, we gathered the trash and I gingerly went out to the garage, gathered the trash, and drove off to the Transfer Station.  Fortunately, it was fine, no ice, and I then drove to Wegman's to do some shopping and pick up some plants for our dinner out last night.  The mask mandate is off so at least half of the shoppers were maskless as Chautauqua County attempts to get back to normal although the hospitals are practically full as a result of unvaccinated Covid patients. 

And that was it for the day until we left for dinner.  Lunch was delicious, sandwiches made from the leftover Peruvian chicken on sourdough toasts with tomatoes, lettuce and pickles.  I watched my show, some basketball, read and nap and Evie more or less did the same, enjoying the fact that she did not have to prep dinner. 

We left early for Tom and Jane's because I bought the wrong plants and Evie wanted to get another kind, So like something out of the Marx Brothers, Evie bought new plants and I returned the old.  As we left Wegmans, however, she noticed a plant she liked better than the one she just bought, so we returned them and bought new ones,  Get it? 

We made it to dinner at 6:00 and the six of us quickly settled down for drinks and appetizers.  They invited their long-time neighbors, David, a Peace Corps volunteer and Vietnam Vet, and Betsy, a retired teacher. I was acquainted with Betsy from yoga. It felt great to go to a dinner party, to get to know new people and talk about our travels, grandkids, politics, films, books, and the lives.  Dinner was beef stroganoff, green beans, carrots, a salad Evie bought, and chocolate strawberries for dessert. It was a really fun evening, with great hosts, food, and conversation.  We stayed until 9:45 when we drove home on quiet streets. It was a perfect way to end a Saturday night. 

Feeling Nostalgic, Missing Family:

Summer, 2021





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