Saturday, November 30, 2019

A 70º Morning In Dallas

What A Good Girl.., Kaia, The Newest Addition To The Family

Kaia And Mitchell

Kaia And Marisa
Well, it's 7:20 as I start this blog and it's raining outside although it should clear up later in the day.  Rami, my son in law, and I have been sitting drinking coffee from the new coffee machine that does everything except grow the coffee.  And it needs a technician to make it.  He made me a flat white, basically, an espresso with regular coffee added.  It was delicious.

Heading To Dallas
Our drive yesterday from Lee's Summit to University Park, a suburb of Dallas was long and miserable.  It was overcast and foggy most of the way and twice in Oklahoma we drove through torrential rainstorms, our only consolation was that it wasn't snow.  So there was not much to see as we drove, just fields of hay, littered with hay bundles and an occasional small town of empty buildings, abandoned gas stations, and an occasional Walmart in between.  Maybe it was just the weather but it was a depressing drive.  And when we neared Dallas by twenty-five miles, the buildings, even high rises began so that the Dallas area never seems to end.  And worst of all, it rained on and off the entire way through Plano and other suburbs to Beth's house in University Park. We made it, so I won't complain.

Chefs For The Day

Evie And Beth
We were excited to see all the Albarran's, especially Mitchell who was unable to make it to the lake this summer because of an internship in San Francisco at the architectural firm Arup.  And like my other grandson, Nick, he was hired by them and will start after he graduates in June from the University of Texas.  Tyler was in from Boston as well so it was fun to see the family and their new dog, Kaia, a rescue mix of Siberian Husky and perhaps collie or sheepdog.

Hanging Out With Granny
Beth had made an appetizer of raw tuna blended with a marinade of ginger, garlic, wasabi, soy sauce, mirin.  It's served with potato chips and was great.  We sat around petting the dog, catching on the lives of the boys, Marisa and Beth and Rami, all busy and happy. 

For dinner, Rami was cooking a prime rib in a Sous Vide, a water bath which cooks the roast up to a certain temperature and then holds it until it's browned on the grill before serving.  It was excellent and went well with scalloped potatoes, salad, asparagus, and Beth's popovers. Yum, what a great dinner, the fourth in the row with our kids.

Granny And Granddaughter (on tiptoes)

A Smiling Tyler

Mitch And Mom
We relaxed in front of the TV, watched an episode of Maladorian from Disney Plus TV and enjoyed some dessert, homemade apple pie, and ice cream.  To say Evie and I were tired would be an understatement but we managed to stay up until 9:15 when we went to bed, joined soon by Beth and Rami but the boys and Marisa stayed up, of course, watching TV.  It was a great end to the day to be in Dallas with the family.

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