Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Drizzle And Fog

It's 8:00 and I have been up for an hour, listening to our local NPR station, a welcome relief to the 'mainstream media.'  I read recent research that suggested that NPR listeners are the best informed and Fox viewers actually regress in their knowledge and understanding. I guess I am among the elite.  I went for a quick 25 minutes paddle in a light drizzle and fog.  Still, the lake at any time is always strikingly beautiful.

Kayak Morning
Yesterday was another depressing day because of our carpet snafu.  I did get in a paddle early, to clear my head and yoga afterward also was a great panacea for 'carpet depression.'  At 11:00, I met Evie at Home Depot to try to figure out the next step in our journey.  I guess at first she found the salespeople were not very helpful, in fact, a bit snarky about our problems. Eventually, that changed and we worked out a solution.  Someone will come today to remeasure our house and once that is done, we will stop in, order a different carpet from the one we previously ordered and hope it will be ready to install in the next couple of weeks.

We were home by 12:30, still not happy campers despite the solution, even wondering if we should have gotten a new carpet.  After all, the carpet guys told us our old carpet was 'bulletproof, nothing would harm it.  And we are still not sure about the new carpet we are ordering, whether we will love it or just live with it.  I suppose that's the way with most carpet purchases.  You don't know for sure until it's installed.  For lunch, Evie made a bowl of mushroom soup, much like French onion soup, with baguettes and cheese, mushrooms instead of onions. Tasty.  I watched the end of episode two of Jack Ryan, then some of the Impeachment Hearings before getting back to my book and taking a nap.

Neither one of us felt like doing much the rest of the afternoon and sat around watching TV, the impeachment hearings or playing on our devices.  By 4:00, we had decided the only way to perk up our lives was to have a couple of Manhattans and order a pizza, an easy dinner.  So I drove over Bemus and picked up a pizza from Coppola's.  By 5;30, we were on our couches, drinking a Manhattan as our blahs began to fade away.  As my Grandfather said, "Alcohol is a wonderful thing." We tend to agree on occasion.  The pizza was good, especially with a Pepsi and we watched Colbert, an episode of The Crown, a good one, about the  Queen's response to the Aberfan coal disaster in Wales in 1966 which killed 116 children.  I like the way the series seems to focus on one event.

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