Friday, November 8, 2019

First White


What a surprise to wake to a couple of inches of snow, a partly cloudy sky eventually, some short-lived sunshine.  It's a chilly 27º out, windy, with a choppy, rolling lake. Today's snowfall is two days earlier than last year's first snowfall. I am sitting here at 8:41 as Evie's up and we are finishing up the blog.

Yesterday seemed endless until 5:00 because I neither paddled, went to yoga nor hiked.  Rather, I hunkered down with a heating pad on my sore back and either listened to Sirius Radio or watched some TV.  My back is not debilitating just bothersome enough so I don't want to do much.  So to pass the morning, I called Apple to see if they could help me with my Mac Air which is annoyingly slow.  The advisor worked with me for a half-hour and it seems better but time will tell.

Woodlawn at 3:30 PM
Around 12:30, Evie made me lunch, a bagel with avocado and tomatoes.  She then drove to Lakewood to workout at the YMCA and shop at Wegman's, leaving me to waste the rest of the afternoon napping, reading some, and watching my show during lunch. Evie was home by 3:00 and brought home a pizza from Pizza Hut for our dinner.  We had hoped to go to a high school volleyball game but the weather was beginning to get worse, with rain or sleet mix and I did not feel like sitting in the stands for a couple of hours.

Barb, Jim, And Diane
At 5:00, we walked over to our neighbors, Barb and Jim, for a beer and appetizers.  They are the newest full-time residents of Woodlawn and like us, have retired here from the Cleveland area.  Jim's sister, Diane, was visiting from West Virginia so it was fun to get to see her as well.  We stayed until 6:30 and walked home in light snow, wondering if we could get much more overnight.

Evening Snowfall
For dinner, Evie made a salad and heated up the pizza and we had dinner, with a Pepsi, of course. Nothing like pizza, salad, and a Pepsi.  We watched Jeopardy because past champions are pitted against each other, then a Colbert and some Home Improvement show before going up to bed. I am two-thirds of the way through my Virgil Flowers book and have four more books sitting on the coffee table to read, the newest Jack Reacher, John le Carre and David Silva's most recent as well as Olive Kitteridge.  I doubt that I will get through them before Thanksgiving.

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