Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Multicolored Late Fall Sky





It's 7:52 and I have been up since 6:15, waiting for the darkness to ebb, the sky to lighten.  It's 32º as winter weather nears and we have not received any rain over the past 24 hours.  The duck hunters are out despite the cold, the lake's surfaced wrinkled although calm enough for me to kayak I hope. Well, it was calm enough and warm enough to paddle for forty minutes, down to Sandy Bottom and back. I saw a few mallards but that's about it except for the clicking sound of the kingfishers and the gunshots off towards Tom's Point from duck hunters.   Once again, it took a couple of hours for the photos to download. 

Kayak Morning


A Raft Of Mallards
Yesterday was a day of recovery from the winds Thursday night.  We were lucky to have only lost power for a short time overnight but lots of other areas, 40,000 customers, lost it towards Buffalo. After breakfast, I drove to yoga in Lakewood, a small but good class. I left feeling my cheerios.  So I stopped at the bank, deposited a check, got some cash and drove to Aldi's to pick up a few things for the weekend.  As I was checking out, Evie texted me to pick up some sauerkraut.  Since I was already through the line, I stopped at Sav A Lot on the way home, picked up the sauerkraut for our pork and sauerkraut dinner, and some Bob Evans Mashed Potatoes to go with it. Can't wait till the weekend.

When I returned home, I checked my computer and for some reason, like the day before, I was able to download photos to the blog.  Maybe it's not a morning person.  Evie made me some quesadillas for lunch, then seared the Western Style Pork ribs, added sauerkraut and tomatoes, and put it in the oven for a couple of hours and let it slow cook. That was about it for the day for Evie although she spent a good half hour downloading the new Apple Plus steaming app, compliments of our son Tom.  He's able to add five family members to the app, so we are lucky to be the fifth family.  Pretty nice!  I read some, took a nap and then found some mojo and went outside, gathered two garbage cans of deadfall from the front yard, compliments of the winds.  And I mulched some leaves for a half-hour, getting a headstart on the leaves because today, Saturday, is going to be a big clean up the yard day.

Around 6:00, we treated ourselves to a Manhattan or two along with some appetizers and enjoyed the waning of the day.  It was a nice end to a fun week of travel.  We decided to have an easy dinner, so Evie microwaved the squash and sausage pasta from Thursday night and we settled down in the TV room to watch Succession, the final episode and the first episode from Season Two. Neither of us are enthusiastic fans but we are sticking with it.  I was happy to get back to my book, THE DUTCH HOUSE.

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