Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sunny, Blue Skies And Cold



It was a shock to wake up to some light, to blue skies and eventually a sunrise off to the south, literally over Wells Bay.  It's a chilly 19º, with some wind, ruffling the lake's surface, alas, making me question whether to kayak,  Well, I gathered gloves and hat, put on a fleece, my life jacket, grabbed my paddle and walked out to my kayak and decided to bag it, the lake choppy, the wind, bitter cold,

The Abode

Blues And White
Friday was just one of those depressing Chautauqua days, hard to describe, other than it was dirty gray, bone-chilling when we went outside, with nothing to recommend a walk or hike.  So we hunkered down most of the day other than our attempts to stay active.  For me, it was going to yoga class at 9:30, always enervating, then a stop at Sav A Lot to pick up a few things for the weekend.
I was home by noon and Evie was glued to the TV, following the impeachment hearing, following another impressive questioning of a diplomat, a paragon of calm, intelligence, and probity.  Again, what a contrast to Bozo, the tweeter in chief, Yovanovitch's riveting narrative reminded us of the Kavanaugh hearing and the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford.   Both were believable, risking their careers, literally their lives, to stand up to power.

Around 1:00, Evie drove off to the Y to get in a workout and I had leftover chicken tikka masala for lunch and watched another episode of Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime.  After lunch, I fell asleep while reading Olive Kitteridge and woke only when Evie returned from the gym.  I was tempted to go for a walk but it was so miserable out that I passed and watched the end of the impeachment hearings with Evie.  We were both anxious to hear how Fox News would spin it.  Only Chris Wallace has the courage to speak truth to power, the rest are pathetic sycophants.

We shared a half bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from 5:00 to 6:00 and it was utterly dark by the time Evie started dinner, pan-fried and baked cod with coleslaw and baked sweet potato fries. My contribution was to make tartar sauce.   Big deal.  We watched a series that David Hinckley on a website I check every day to see what to watch called TV Worth Watching.  This time he recommended a mini-series on Showtime called Back To Life, six half-hour shows about a British woman who returns to her hometown after spending 18 years in prison for murder.  It's actually funny at times even though it's a rough road for her return.  We watched all six episodes, then ended the night with Jeopardy, and Evie was happy to see such a close match between Emma and James. 

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