Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Enjoying Barbecue At Kansas City Joe's

What A Cutie

Blue Skies On A Missouri Morning

The Gang's All Here
It's 7:15 and I have been up since 6:00.  All's quiet on the Middle American front.  It's just me and Bella as I let her out for her morning constitutional at 6:00 and then she disappeared.  It's a windy day with a leaden sky, the tree limbs bending, the wind chimes ringing.  It looks like it will be like this the rest of the day with temperatures reaching the low 40's.  As I finish writing this, I am still the only one up at 7:30, enjoying a couple of cups of Stormin Normin coffee from The Roasterie, Tommy's favorite local coffee.  It is good.

Costco Happy
Yesterday morning was leisurely for Evie and me, just taking it easy after a couple of long drives.  Marlena, however, was off to school by 6:45.  Tom left around 9:00 to workout, Mary to hot yoga which left Nick with us.  By 10:30, we had decided to do some shopping, at Evie's favorite box store, Costco, so the four of us took off.  Costco is always an expensive experience and yesterday was no exception as we found lots of 'must need' sorts of things.  We left with a few groceries for Thanksgiving and a happy wife.  We then hit Sprouts, Tom's favorite grocery and finalized our Thanksgiving dinner needs.  And because Tom was having neck pain, we stopped and he bought some CBD cream, to see if that would help alleviate the discomfort.

We did get home until 1:00 and Mary had some Nathan's hot dogs ready for lunch as all of us were hungry.  The rest of the afternoon was uneventful.  I took a nap and did some reading.  Evie and Mary drove to the hairdressers where Marlena went after school to get her hair done.  She was there for a couple of hours and came home looking like a model.  She's tres gorgeous, of course, like all of our granddaughters.

Marlena And Her Granny
We had some wine around 5:00 then got ready to drive to Kansas for the best barbecue in the United States, Oklahoma Joe's, a chain that started in a Kansas City gas station ten years ago.  It's now called Joe's Kansas City, a twenty-minute drive on a foggy night.

Waiting For Barbecue
Our timing could not have been better or worse because there was a line outside the door when we got there and when we left because it's so popular.  We stood in line for close to a half-hour, having ordered a beer just as we entered.

Marlena And Baba

Hanging At Joe's
We then ordered brisket or pulled pork sandwiches, fries, coleslaw and a slab of ribs, found a table and  Tom and Nick carried our dinners over to the table.  The sandwiches were good but the ribs were the best I have ever had and the fries were a close second.  No wonder it seems to have a neverending line of customers.

White Heads
We did not get home till 8:00 and sat around playing on our devices until 9:30 when the Kansas/Brigham Young basketball game came on. The girls amused themselves making silly photos on their phones, an emoji for me I guess and Evie discovered another photo editor program on Photos and worked with that with Marlena for a half hour.  At half time, Evie and I bid the gang aloha and went downstairs, tired from our day of shopping and eating barbecue, a rough day.

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