Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Snowfall And 25º In November

It's just after 8:00 as I start my blog and I have been up for an hour and a half.  We received six inches of snow overnight and at the moment a few flurries are falling.  I went out to get the paper, shoveled a path to the car, a wet snow not light and fluffy, unfortunately. It's overcast and foggy so I can barely see Long Point.

Yesterday we spent preparing or at least thinking about the weather advisory warning of up to ten inches of snow.  It did not start until the evening so we had much of the day to get things done.  I started Monday with a quick paddle, hoping to see some interesting waterfowl but only photographed a raft of mallards.  I then left for yoga in Lakewood and I was surprised at how crowded class was but then I realized it was Veterans Day and most had the day off.  When I returned home, I was determined to clean up the yard and clear the garage, putting everything away so I could park the Accord in the garage before the snow.  So I worked for an hour, putting things away, then raking leaves, filling two garbage pails with wet leaves and twigs and took them up the hill to the woodpile.

When I finished, I was pleased with my efforts, having put everything to bed for the winter and was ready for lunch.  Evie had lunch ready, guacamole and chips and a bowl of her vegetable soup.  I watched the last episode of Line Of Duty, alas, a series I really enjoyed and will now have to find something else to watch during lunchtime.  I am reading the latest Jack Reacher, BLUE MOON, and its typical Reacher, lots of bad guys, none measuring up to the skills and intelligence of Reacher.

We were tempted to go for a walk but it was too ugly out so Evie decided to drive to Mayville, to pick up and prescription and a hard copy of Olive Kitteridge for me.  She was back by 3:00 and we spent the rest of the afternoon watching it cloud up and begin to drizzle, then snow when it got dark.

Monday Afternoon
We had a long wine time because dinner was basically made, the leftover chicken and gravy from Friday.  With roasted Brussel sprouts and a salad, we had another tasty dinner.  We watched a series we recently found called Off The Grid and really enjoy it.  We also watched another episode of Succession, then Axios, a weekly HBO news program that goes in-depth on major stories of the week.  They ended with interviews with five whistleblowers from the past sixty years.  It's something everyone should watch, emphasizing how important they have been to not only a functioning democracy but the safety of the populace.  In other words, they are patriots, not bad guys!

Bed Time Snow

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