Final Boat Cruise Of The Year |
8:32 |
Guess what, it's gray outside now after having sat here for at least an hour in the dark, wondering what kind of sky would appear. Now I know...gray. It reminds me of a winter sky although the temperature is in the low 50's. It does not look very appetizing to kayak this morning. I did get in a paddle, catching a couple of herons as I kayaked to Long Point, the reeds, and home.
A Gray Kayak Morning |
Early Morning Yoga |
Standing Pose |
Sunday was not a day of leisure for us, at least in the morning as we took a couple of major steps towards getting ready for winter. First, however, I took a long hour paddle down to Snug Harbor and back on a windy morning. After breakfast, Evie continued to organize the attic while I went out in our rowboat and gathered up six buoys which I put in the lake last spring to discourage boaters from driving in front of our dock, where we like to swim. The buoys and anchors were coated with zebra mussels and seaweed so it was not much fun. I then spent a good half hour washing the buoys in bleach water, scrubbing them, taking off the grime, making them white once again, Once that was done, I went upstairs and we pulled three air conditioners out of our bedroom windows, a sure sign summer and warm weather is over. By the time we were done, we felt satisfied with our efforts and decided it was time to enjoy a big Sunday breakfast. Evie fried the eggs and bacon, pulled a couple of scones out of the freezer and we had breakfast. That was it for the most part although Evie did get some washing done during the afternoon.
She read and enjoyed sitting on the porch. I read, napped, then watched the Browns play up to their hype, beating their rivals, the Ravens. Fortunately, I was able to get the game on an Erie channel, however, it was not in HD. I took the cover off the boat at 3:00 because we wanted to go for a final fall cruise in our boat around dinner time. It started to cloud up at 4:00 so we jumped in our boat and took a long slow cruise over to Bemus and back, our usual route. It was an overcast sky but we loved it as there's always some beauty in the sky, whether blue or gray. When we returned, I pulled all of the cushions and life preservers out so that Chris can pull it out and clean the hull and winterize the engine for winter.
We sat on the front porch for an hour, enjoying the last of a bottle of wine before Evie went in and finished off dinner. Before wine time, she roasted some veggies, then after it, she roasted a marinated filet of salmon for dinner. Add some rice and a salad and we had a tasty easy dinner. We watched Saturday Night Live, back for the season, with their parody of Trump and the White House. It was fresh and funny two years ago, a bit tiring now as we are getting used to Trump's idiocies, ignorance, and lies. We then watched CBS Sunday Morning interview Hillary and her daughter who have written a book on Gutsy Women. It was a pleasure to listen to someone who was articulate, thoughtful and caring, a striking contrast to the carny we have in the Oval Office. It remains unfathomable to me how one half of the electorate voted for this clown rather than a smart, experienced and knowledgeable candidate like Hillary. I guess I have to give credit to the Republican machine which vilified and lied about Hillary for years. It was easy to believe the talking point, difficult to investigate them and realize they had only a modicum of truth. Whatever her faults, they pale next to Drumpt.
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