Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pink Sky In The Morning

Great Blue Heron On Long Point



I was up at 5:00, a dark house made the coffee and waited to listen to all the hullabaloo on MSNBC concerning the possible impeachment of Trump and like the speaker in Walt Whitman's When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer:

How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.

And as I sit here at 6:43, the sky is turning from pink to orange, the lake a variation of their colors. It's 8:50 as I finish this, after a 50-minute paddle, just me and my ski neighbors on the lake.

Jeff And Nancy 

A Noble Bird
Yesterday started out cloudy but the skies opened up early afternoon and it became another stellar fall day.  I paddled for a half-hour on choppy, windy seas, not much fun.  I then drove to yoga class, a good one but did not stop anywhere because I was going back out to Jamestown at 1:00 for teeth cleaning.  When I returned home, Evie had left to do some major shopping and for a major hair appointment with Jaret and I did not expect her home until mid-afternoon.  I heated up the leftover taco meat and made myself another plate of tacos for lunch and watched the last episode of City On The Hill, a disappointing ending with no closure as they obviously are gearing up for another season.

Yellow Trumps Purple
I left for my dental appointment at 12:30, stopped at Peterson's Market and picked up another dozen ears of corn and purple grapes for Evie.  I was out of the dentist office by 2:00, with a smile and decided to go home through Lakewood and stop at Wegman's and get my free flu shot.  It was quick and easy.  When I drove in, Evie had just gotten home and was putting away the groceries, so I helped.  The rest of the afternoon we spent taking it easy as is our wont, reading and watching some of the news program, all trumpeting the news about Trump. 

Ava Serving
Thank goodness we had plans for the evening.  So at 6:00, we drove off to Panama High School to watch our good friends Jack and  Diane's granddaughter, Ava, play volleyball for Chautauqua Lake.  She is only an eighth-grader but starts on the varsity team.  Unfortunately, Panama was too tough and her team lost in three but she plays like a senior.  It was fun for both of us to be back in a gym, watching a girl's volleyball game. 

After the game, all four of us went to dinner at Andriaccio's just across the street from the Chautauqua Institution.  It was a busy place even though it was a Tuesday which was nice to see.  Evie and I split a pizza, Jack and Diane ordered the specials.  It's a good place and I wonder why we don't go there more often.  Perhaps because they do not have a bar; we like bars when it's just the two of us.  We didn't get home until after 9:00 in time to watch Colbert and the neverending babel on the news channels, excited to have new breaking news.

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