Monday, September 9, 2019

That Morning Sky

A Sunday Morning Cruise

An amazing morning sky, clouds, colors, rising mist on the lake, and a cool 49º.  I can't wait to get out there and kayak but it's still too early at 6:37, although I have been up for an hour.  Once the sun rises, I will get out on the lake. It was another fine morning for kaying, just me, a couple of fishing boats, three great blue herons and a bald eagle.

Kayak Morning

Another Kayak Morning

Heron At Long Point

Bald Eagle

Morning On Woodlawn/Victoria
Yesterday was a throwback Sunday, reminding me of the old days, when you sat around watching football or in this case, the finals of the US Open.  It started as usual, with a paddle down to Snug Harbor and back, a good hour on the lake.  We then had our coffee on the front porch, in no hurry, enjoying the morning and finishing up the blog.  By 10:00, however, we decided to take the boat down to the Chautauqua Institution, dock it, and go for a walk around the grounds.  It was a splendid morning on the lake, little chop and a sky filled with puffy clouds and blue sky.  The grounds are still at their best, the gardens still in bloom, as fall as yet to settle in.  We walked a couple of miles, enjoying the morning, stopping occasionally to look at a new flower or plant, wondering what it was.  We took our time cruising home, enjoying being out on the lake for the first time in a week.  

Great Blue

On Joe And Betsy's Dock
When we returned home, Evie got busy in the kitchen, making our breakfast, eggs, a bagel, and tomatoes and avocados as a side.  It's always something I look forward to all week, Sunday's big breakfast.  The rest of the day was a wash as they say.  I read, watched some football, later, some tennis, read and took a brief nap.  Evie put the chaise lounge in the side yard, out of the wind, and read for a couple of hours until it was time to start prepping dinner.  Even though we are retired and every day may seem like a weekend, yesterday felt like a Sunday.  

We were having eggplant pasta for dinner, so once the eggplant was breaded and fried, the tomato sauce made, we sat on the front porch for a good hour with a glass of wine, enjoying the quiet as all the fishing guys had headed home, the lake was once again ours.  Dinner was great and we thought we ought to have this eggplant pasta at least once a week.  As Turks say, eggplant is poor man's meat.  We watched a Real Time with Bill Maher who ranted about American's poor eating habits and the epidemic of obesity.  We then watched two more episodes of The Affair on Showtime, the fifth season which is getting silly as the series winds down.  I had enough football during the day so we skipped the Sunday night game to Evie's relief.  

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