Thursday, July 18, 2019

Five In Twenty Four

It's a heavy overcast morning, with some fog, a bit of light off towards Bemus but sticky, 95% humidity because of all the rain we have had.  It's quiet out, the lake empty so far, as we wait for the heatwave to hit our area in the next couple of days.  I was able to get in a forty-minute paddle before heading to breakfast.  The sky was threatening to the north, most likely fog but sunny with a few clouds to the east, a good morning to kayak.

Kayak Morning

Paddling North

Splendid Old Bird

The past twenty-four hours would have made Noah proud.  Tuesday afternoon we received a couple of inches in an hour, then an inch yesterday morning, and two-plus inches yesterday afternoon around 4:00, flooding the yards, the roads, filling the lake each time with an unprecedented amount of mud from the dirt road.  And the Woodlawn Creek overflowed its banks, flooding a couple of yards, causing all kinds of problems. We are all worried about the lake's health because all of us have septic tanks which the flooding might harm. And yet, the lake does not seem that high yet.  Go figure. At least today may be dry although cloudy.

Yesterday was a busy day as we both had errands to run.  I got in a paddle although it rained before during and after my paddle.  Around 9:00, I dropped my car off at my mechanic, for a safety check, tire rotation and replacing the front tie rods.  Evie followed, picked me up and dropped me off in Lakewood at a yoga class.  While I was at yoga, she put together our dinner, chicken, Thai basil, mushrooms and spinach and made another batch of sloppy joes to freeze.  Yoga ended at 11:15 and I then walked the mile and a half to pick up my car and drive it home.

Evie had left by then to drive to Jamestown for a teeth cleaning and some shopping at Brigiotta's Nursery.  My lunch was out, soup and a hot dog to grill so I was happy and I finally finished my series, DOGS OF BERLIN.  After lunch, I read and napped until Evie returned home at 2:30, with a few perennials she found on sale.  We relaxed until about 4:00 when the sky began to darken but our weather app only predicted a light rain.  Well, we received at least two inches in an hour, pouring rain and as heavy flooding as I have seen.  After the storm, all the neighbors were out assessing the damage, to their yards and to the lake, wondering when these heavy rains would stop,


By 6:15, however, it was a picturesque afternoon, as if it had never rained.  Blue skies, puffy clouds, a dark blue lake, a perfect setting for wine time.  Around 7:00, we had dinner, the casserole Evie had put together in the morning and a salad.  We watched another Colbert and the Roger Ailes movie, THE LOUDEST VOICE.  If the movie is even semi-accurate, he emergers as a sexist pig and a racist.  And so it goes for the creator of Fox News.  

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