Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blue Skies, Tranquil Lake

Dahlia Daze Begins

Another fine morning, a warm 69º as the lake beckons.  It's 7:15 and I have been up over an hour, in time to see the sunrise, just as our neighbor Kathy paddled out on the lake.  Too early for me as I needed my coffee and finish writing my blog before I hit the lake.  Because I decided to skip yoga, I did not get out on the lake until 8:00, took a leisurely paddle, came home by 9:00.

Kayak Morning
Singing Praises Of The Lord
I am getting a bit tired of describing another fine day on the lake but yesterday was another fine day on the lake. So I began the day with a paddle, then breakfast, the blog and drove off to a good Yin Yoga class.  I then stopped at the bank, Evans Wines And Liquor, and Walmart, to pick up a few things because we were having company for dinner.  I was home by noon, just as Evie was directing the guys on the weed cutters, making sure they cut all the weeds in the area in front of our house.  When she told them we cut weeds daily, they went crazy, said they had never come across any lakefront owner who actually cuts weeds.  I guess that makes us crazy.  This time they really were able to get the weeds, perhaps because they were longer or the new machine was more able to cut lower than the old machines. Evie gave them water and mango popsicles which they loved.  Hopefully they will be back as needed. 

While I was at yoga, Evie had put together an eggplant baked ziti and froze it, ready for the kids as well as a couple of pans of stuffed shells, a busy girl, quite a contrast to her husband.  Lunch was vegetable soup mixed with my leftover white bean stew, tasty and healthy.  And I had a bagel with cream cheese and tomatoes.  Evie was able to enjoy the dock mid-afternoon, as I read and napped,  And around 4:00, she put together our dinner, enchiladas stuffed with chicken, cheese, beans and corn, topped with cheese and salsa.  All she needed to do was pop them in the oven and we had dinner.

Gretchen, Tom, And Anna 
Around 5:00, our old friends from Hudson, Tom and Gretchen and their granddaughter, Anna arrived.  They are staying in the Atheneum in the Chautauqua Institution for the week.  We got to know them since our daughters were in the same class at Reserve in the early 1980's, and I coached and taught all four of their kids.  In fact, they even rented our house one summer in the 80's so we had lots to talk about, mostly kids and grandchildren.  It was a beautiful afternoon to sit outside, enjoy a gin and tonics, and play bean bag or cornhole as it is now unfortunately called. 

Enchilada Time
We ate dinner around 7:00, after enjoying a second gin and tonic on our front porch.  We had a salad, along with the enchiladas which they loved and, wanted the recipe.  We ended the night with Anna going through Evie's Treasure Chest and trying to decide what she wanted.  It's always fun to watch kids ponder over two or three items, trying to figure out which one was best.  They left around 8:15 and we then cleaned up the kitchen before watching another episode of YEARS AND YEARS on HBO. We are really starting to like the series and this episode had one of the most dramatic and tragic scenes we have ever seen, involving immigrants hoping to cross the English Channel to Great Britain in an overloaded rubber boat. The scene left us speechless.

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