6:14 |
6:14 |
6:35 |
6:36 |
6:45 |
Yep, our dock's in, a sure sign warm weather is coming. It's a great morning on the lake, clear skies when the sun rose, a bit cloudy now at 8:00 although the lake is smooth and silky, peppered with cruising ducks. It's still cool, 28º when I got up but it may get into the 50's later in the day.
7:05 |
Yesterday was sunny but windy and cool as a result, the temperatures may be getting into the 40's mid-afternoon. I had another doctor's appointment at 11:00 which precluded any yoga. My deltoids have been aching for 10 days for some reason, so I received another fuzzy diagnosis of a virus and came home with a steroid pack which seems to have some effectiveness so far. Afterward, I stopped at the Lighthouse for a hoagie sandwich and came home to an empty house. Evie and Barb, a good friend from Bemus, were having lunch at the Seezurh House, catching up on their lives. I heated up the Senate Navy Bean Soup, split my hoagie in half, and watched more of the NBA playoffs before getting bored and turned to the news, also boring and repetitive. How many times can a story be retold with any interest?
Snow Covered Docks Going In |
I decided to lay down and read, hoping to fall asleep. I must have slept briefly before being awakened by the noise out in our yard. Chris and Austin, our dock guys, were putting on their wetsuits and beginning to drag dock pieces into the lake. I couldn't believe they wanted to put the dock in on a windy, cold day but they were way behind schedule because of the weather so they were game. Because of the cold, I think it took them longer than usual, probably close to two hours and Chris had to immerse himself completely under water a couple of times. It was not fun. They definitely earned their money and now we have our dock, ready for chaise lounges, fishing rods, and Adirondack chairs. Now, all we need is warm weather. By the way, yesterday was not the earliest that our dock went in. Back in 2016, it went in on the 16th of April.
We were tempted to go out for dinner but because of our dock being put in and a lazy afternoon, we punted and had leftovers for dinner. After a glass or two of wine, Evie heated up the leftover scalloped potatoes and ham, cooked up some broccoli, fried a couple of eggs and made a salad. It actually sounds like a lot for a leftover dinner. We watched the final episode of Netflix's mini series COLLATERAL. We both recommend it. And we finished the night with a decent film, THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. It kept our interest and kept us wondering who was the bad guy. It's also a best selling novel.
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