Monday, October 16, 2017

"Once More To The Lake"

The Gang's All Here (Nieces And Cousins)

Will And James

Henry The Great

Jennnifer, Robert, And The Boys

Granny And Halle
I woke at 5:00, tried to get back to sleep to no avail, so I got up at 5:45 and took Evie her coffee at 6:00. Drew has left for work, Hayden' alarm has been going off but no action yet but will leave for school at 7:10, and we will be getting an early start on our way home.  It looks like it has cooled off at the lake as well as here and we most likely will have a sunny ride home, at least no rain is forecast.

Yesterday was overcast and wet in Virginia until about 1:00 when the sun came out and it warmed up to an uncomfortable 82º.  We took it easy in the morning, watching some of the news programs and Evie did some prepping for our picnic lunch with our niece Jennifer's family, who were driving in from Maryland.  The girls slept in until at least 11:00, typical teens on a weekend, catching up on the sleep they missed during the week.


The Boys, The Dogs, And Hayden
Jennifer, Robert, and her three boys arrived at 11:30 and right from the start, the boys were ready for bear.  They were excited to be here, to see their Aunt and Uncle and cousins since they have only seen us once or twice in their lives because they have lived in Texas until a month ago.

Boys And Girls

Super Boys
Yard Fun
The girls were great with the boys as well as Evie, playing with them in the basement as well as out in the yard when the sun came out.

Barbecue Boys
Drew cooked burgers out so we had a picnic lunch, burgers, corn salad, beans and condiments and because the sun had been out for a while, the porch furniture dried off so we could eat outside.  We lasted as long as our meals before we all decided it was too hot to stay out.


Two-Fisted Will

Dad And Son
So we then sat around watching the boys, playing with Henry, getting him to giggle, until Evie got the Treasure Chest out of the car, brought here especially for the boys from our lake house.  They spent the next hour going through it, pulling everything out, playing with various toys before they decided on a couple of things they wanted.  They headed back to their house around 4:00 as the boys were getting tired and Jen and Robert wanted to miss any big traffic problems.

Halle Having Fun Watching Her Cousins

James And Aunt Evie
Around 5:00, Jill, Drew and Halle went over to their neighbors for the first half of the Chiefs/Steelers game as they were opening up their outdoor tiki bar,  and we stayed home with Hayden who had a tutoring session at 5:30, prepping for not only school but the SAT's.
When they got back, Halle and Evie played some volleyball until it got too hot and everyone was hungry, so we sat around deciding what to order for takeout, finally ordering Asian.  We watched the end of the Chiefs loss, ending up playing more volleyball with Halle outside until Hayden was done with her tutoring so we could have dinner.  She drove  Evie to pick up the food around 7:00 and
we gathered around the TV, looking for something to watch on a Sunday night, to no avail so we ended up watching, what else, Sunday night football.

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