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Last night we watched Monday's amazing episode of HBO's Vice News. Their great reporter, Elle Reeve, actually follows and interviews white supremacists and nationalists, from Friday through Saturday's tragedy and the aftermath. It's chilling and brought Evie to tears. WATCH IT. See below:
I was up before 6:00, an overcast sky that continues to hide the sun, constantly changes so that now the fog has arrived in some parts of the lake. A few fishing boats are out on the calm lake, a windless 60º morning.
Dahlia Daze |
Yesterday was Evie's turn to drive to Jamestown, for teeth cleaning, and later today, I return for a couple of new crowns. Can't wait. I did get to a good yoga class with Julie, nine of us, a perfect size for the room. After yoga, I got a coffee, knowing I would be going home to an empty house since Evie was at the dentist and then was going shopping at Sam's and Wegman's. I decided to finish what I had started yesterday before lunch, which was to continue weeding our brick walkway, something that needs to be done two or three times a summer. It's not hard, just time consuming, edging the digging out the weeds and grass which flourishes between the bricks.
I was done by 1:00 so I warmed up the leftover pulled pork, placed it on a brioche bun, smothered it in coleslaw and I had a tasty lunch, straight out of Gio's Barbecue in Clearfield, PA. I watched another episode of Ozark and I really liked this one, as they went back ten years to show how Jason Batemen sells his soul for money by agreeing to wash money. His wife acquiesces by the way. By the time I finished Evie came home and I helped unpack the car and put things away. I then napped briefly as Evie was going to work in her garden. She never made it, however, as the sun and dock were beckoning, so I went out and joined her around 3:00, to read and enjoy the afternoon's spectacular cloud paintings. There's no way an artist could capture their beauty but a filtered photo gives it run.
Cloud Art |
Around 6:00, I took off the boat cover and we then cruised over to Bemus Point and back, enjoying a glass of wine and some pretzels as we went. It was a great night to be on the lake and we took our time and were out until after 7:00. Before we left, Evie had put together our Indian spiced dinner of broccoli, mushrooms, and chicken. So all she needed to do was make a salad and rice and we had dinner. Of course, we watched wall to wall coverage of Trump's racist rant on all the news channels except Fox which had Sarah Palin on talking about the high rate of abortions in Iceland, obviously breaking news. And we watched the Vice News episode I mentioned above. Scary but informative, as it makes clear who are the enemies of tolerance and assimilation, who are proponents of bigotry and racism.
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