6:07 |
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6:39 |
It's just about 7:00, the sun is up in full force, yet it's a cool 58º in the neighborhood. I was up at 6:00, out in the yard by 6:05, taking my daily photographs of the changing morning sky. It was nice to see few clouds to make the photos more interesting.
6:40 |
Yesterday was a day I dreaded, another trip to the dentist to get two, yes two crowns, so after my morning coffee and breakfast and setting up the watering hoses for Evie, I drove off to Jamestown to my dentist. Two hours later, I drove home, two temporary crowns in place and the ordeal was not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I was oblivious to the fact that they had removed two old crowns. I had to ask if they were having problems and they said no, the crowns are already out. Before I left, my dentist had mentioned that like me she reads books on her Kindle so I recommended one of my favorites, Elizabeth Strout's OLIVE KITTERIDGE. On the way home, I stopped at the local farm stand, Peterson's, open six months a year and got some corn, tomatoes, and peaches, hoping they are good.
When I got home, Evie had been working on renewing her garden, a massive task but she is making some progress, like eating an elephant one bite at a time. She had time, however, to make me some matzo bowl soup for lunch, thinking that would be easy on my jaw and it was. So I had lunch, watched half of the penultimate episode of Ozark, read more of my Elizabeth Strout novel and took a nap.
By 3:00, Evie had had enough of weeding and replanting and watering, a good five hours worth, so she put on her bathing suit and went out to enjoy her daily dock time. I joined her after a phone call with my sister Patsi (aka Ellen). We both have the same new cameras so we had lots of questions. She is on her way to Paris (where she spent her junior year in college) in a couple of weeks with her husband Walt. I know envy is one of the seven deadly sins but I cannot help it.
Around 5:30, we took another boat ride down to the Chautauqua Institution and back. Evie had packed some cheese and crackers to go along with our beer which we had devoured by the time we returned. It was a sunny cruise, the West shore in shade, the East in bright sunlight. We were back around 7:00, so Evie took a quick swim, then shower and I put the cover back on the boat because it's supposed to rain sometime today. Dinner was leftover Indian food, so Evie heated it up in the oven and made a salad, cooked the corn and we were soon in front of the TV, watching a series recommended by my sister Patsi as well as others, THE TUNNEL. It's a cop show, one in which both French and British police are forced to cooperate in the search for a serial killer. We liked it well enough to watch three episodes, avoiding the constant repetition of the latest Trump diatribe on the various news channels. What a relief to not have to think about his latest idiocy for a couple of hours.
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