6:25 |
6:44 |
6:45 |
6:46 |
7:56 |
What a difference between yesterday's morning of bass boat mania at 6:30 and this morning's quiet, with not a boat in sight. It's overcast, the sun barely visible behind the clouds and still a pleasantly chilly 56º. I have been listening to the devasting news from Houston where these poor residents have lost everything, house, cars, worldly goods and probably their jobs. We have never seen anything like it and the worst is yet to come when everything settles down and tens of thousands of people if not more will have nothing to return to, no home, job or income. And just wait till the politics enter into this mess, making things even worse. Already the Texas Congressmen who voted against aid for the residents of New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy are being criticized for asking for aid now for their state.
Pretty In Pink |
Yesterday was a strange day weather wise as we had a gusty, constant southerly wind all day, unusual for us. We had our typical Sunday morning, listening to the news about the rain fall in Houston, the flooding, its effects on the city, the homes and residents. It's amazing how you can bring a tragedy into your own home, even wars as we have seen over the past twenty years.
Sunday Morning At The Chautauqua Institution |
Since it was a sunny morning, we decided to take the boat down to the Chautauqua Institution, the final day of the season and people watch, listen to part of the service, and go for a walk around the north end. It was a nice way to spend the morning, still lots of residents but within the week, the grounds will be empty of people unless there is a special event. By Labor Day, most of the residents close up their cottages and go home.
Buddha In Metal |
Tiny Buddhas Builds Buddha |
We took our time boating home, enjoying being out in the middle of the lake, the blue sky and clouds above, the wind keeping us cool. We got home around 1:00 and Evie immediately got out the bacon and eggs and made our Sunday breakfast. We were going to eat outside but it was windy and we wanted to see what was happening in Houston. It's hard not to watch the developing tragedy. After breakfast, we spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about what we should be doing but doing nothing. We read, Eviw visited with some neighbors, enjoyed the dock until the wind forced us off, watched some more TV until 5:30 when we decided it was wine time, so we sat out on our front porch, protected from the wind with some leftover appetizers, enjoying the late afternoon.
Wine Time Begins At 6:00 |
No worry about dinner because we had leftover pizza from Thursday night's dinner. Around 8:00 we when we got tired of listening to the news, then music, we came in, heated up the pizza, steamed the fresh corn and we had an easy and good dinner, the corn especially was stellar.
End Of Wine Time: 8:07 |
We channel surfed the news about the storm, moving between the Weather Channel and the various news stations, each competing to give viewers the most up to date and nerve racking rescues. CNN usually wins this competition. I could not wait to go up to bed to read something to take my mind off of the news. And for once, Trump was mostly pushed off of the Boob Tube for a day, maybe two.
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