Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Gray, Windy And Cool



It's the kind of morning that makes me want to skip a paddle so that's what I am going to do. The lake's choppy, gray, as is the sky and no boats are out so I am staying in. I will make up for it by going to yoga at 9:30 and then shopping for Evie. I just figured out it's a long morning of sitting around, waiting to go to yoga if I don't get in a paddle. 


Yesterday began with a paddle, for forty minutes and I was lucky to get it in in between drizzle. It was the kind of drizzle that hardly wets the ground, especially under our maple trees in the front yard. When I returned from my paddle, Evie had plans for me, helping her clean out and polish the kitchen cupboards and drawers. We took our time and by noon, we were finished with much of the kitchen though Evie spent a good part of the afternoon finishing up. Lunch was broccoli and cheese soup along with hummus, cucumber and tomato wraps. I watched the second half of the Chiefs game, then fell asleep reading my new William Kent Krueger novel, Spirit Crossing. 


The afternoon alternated between gray and a light drizzle so there was not much to do outside. I was bored but read quite a bit and helped Evie when needed in the kitchen. We relaxed with a glass of wine around 5:30 and had an easy dinner, BLT's. Sometimes nothing is better than a BLT sandwich, right. We watched a Colbert, waiting for Monday Night Football because the Buffalo Bills were playing. We watched the first half as they literally destroyed Tampa Bay, to the delight of 70,000 fans and the city of Buffalo. I switched to the Bengals game for a while before going up to bed. 

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