Monday, September 23, 2024

Cloudy With A Touch Of Rain Overnight


It's a quiet Monday, not a boat in sight, and 62º. We got maybe an eighth of an inch of rain and perhaps some later in the day but I am doubtful. It's 9:30 and I was a lonely kayaker, out for forty minutes, seemingly the only boat on the lake. 

Kayak Morning

Paddling Into Gray

Yesterday was another football Sunday as I spent way too much time in front of the boob tube but so did most guys in America. Before the games began, I got in a good paddle although I did not see much wildlife, just a merganser. When I got home, Evie edited the blog, published it, and I had breakfast. I decided to 'do something', to see if there were any side effects of Covid so I drove off to the Chautauqua Institution and rode my bike for forty-five minutes, feeling pretty good. Halfway around, I talked with a guy who had just finished riding his Flightboard. It is literally a small surfboard with a 40-pound battery to power it and it glides just above the water on what looks like a keel. It looks difficult but he said once you get the knack, it's easy, as long as it's not too windy.

A Flightboard

I was home by 12:30, and by 1:00, was ensconced in front of the TV watching the first game. While I was biking, Evie was busy in the kitchen, organizing a closet and making our dinner, cheesy broccoli to put over baked potatoes, and catching up on the washing. At half time of the first game, I had enough and went up and read some and took a nap. And that's how the afternoon went: reading some, mostly watching football, and writing postcards to potential voters for Evie. She has only 50 to go. 

Thunder Bridge

Brickwalk Still Green

We enjoyed a glass of wine while preparing dinner and watched CBS Sunday Morning before the Chiefs game. We watched the first half of the Chiefs eventually victory over Atlanta and then went to bed, having had enough football for the day.  I can't wait for tonight's Monday Night Football because the Buffalo Bills play and I will probably just watch the first half. 

Go Chiefs

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