Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fog On Sunday Morning




It's 9:00 and I have been up since 7:30, waiting for the fog to lift so I could go kayaking. I can finally see some of Long Point and a few fishing boats but it's still mostly gray and chilly. It's later than usual because of the fog and a late start and I was out for fifty minutes, enjoying a gray Sunday morning. 

Kayak Morning

Morning Paddlers


Hooded Merganser

Saturday was another long, boring day. Both of us had little mojo still although we both are beginning to discard the effects of Covid. I got in a paddle, of course, and then finished the blog and had breakfast, the last of the peaches on my yogurt and granola. I did some watering of Evie's garden while she got the trash ready to take to the Transfer Station. I left at 10:30, dropped the trash off  and came home, tired from doing nothing really. My neighbor, Jim, stopped over and brought me a cooler full of  ten bags of sauerkraut. Because of Covid, I was not able to help the guys. 

So I went upstairs and read on my bed until it was time for lunch, the rest of the beef barley soup and an eggplant sandwich with tomatoes and mayo. I watched some football but couldn't wait to get upstairs and take a nap. Not much happened the rest of the afternoon until 4:00 when I drove off to Peterson's to get peaches but they sold their last basket in the morning. So I bought some tomatoes, then drove over to Paces' Pizza on 3rd street to pick up our dinner, pizza and their house salads. On the way home, I bought another dozen ears of corn before arriving home.

We had pizza and salad for dinner and both were disappointing, especially the pizza dough which had the texture of a cracker and the dressing lacked the usual zip. What a waste of thirty-four bucks. We watched a film recommended by our grandson, Nick, Hunt For the Wilderpeople, set in New Zealand and we loved it; It "read" like a fairy tale with a little Thelma and Louise thrown in.  We ended the night with laughs, watching Real Time With Bill Maher. I watched a few minutes of college football before going up to bed. 

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