Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunny And 7º



 It's 9:00 as I start this, the lake mishmash of ice, the sun reflecting on its surface.  Despite the cold, the ice fishermen are out, strung out along the Long Point shoreline and beyond.  Today we will play a waiting game, waiting for the apocalyptic snow predicted tonight and tomorrow, 12 to 18 inches. Winter is coming.

Ice Fishing At Noon

Ice Fishing At Dusk

Saturday was a good day to stay inside and get something done.  Well, we stayed inside! And we did get something done, cleaning out the refrigerator, packing up chicken thighs to be frozen, gathering the trash before I drove to the Transfer Station, my one accomplishment of the day.  When I returned home because it was so cold out, I decided to skip a hike and spent forty-five minutes taking a Yoga With Adrienne class on YouTube.  By the time I was done, it was lunchtime, another bowl of vegetable soup and toasted cheese sandwiches on sourdough bread.  I watched another episode of The Sopranos and am starting to get into it. 

Neither of us did much the rest of the afternoon but by 4:00, we were both getting ready to watch the football game and showering because we were going to dinner for the first time in a month at our friends' Linda and Ron's house. It was great to see them and we sat around drinking whisky sours and eating shrimp and cocktail sauce for a good hour, catching up on our lives both during Christmas, New Year, and after. Fortunately, both have been healthy, taking care to avoid eating out or large gathering.  

Together Again

Dinner was perfect for a cold January evening, short ribs served on mashed potatoes with a salad and a baguette.  After dinner, we adjourned to the TV room to watch the Buffalo Bills game and enjoy dessert, a chocolate Portuguese cake to die for.  We left around 10:30 when the Bills had clinched a victory and drove home on cold, empty roads. We then watched a few minutes of TV before going up to bed, happy from a fun evening.

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