Monday, January 3, 2022

A Windy, Partly Cloudy 15º Morning





It's 7:50, the gray sky morphing into blue as hundreds and hundreds of seagulls circle the lake 50 yards off our lakefront,  a sight rarely if ever seen before the past few days. It's not clear what's going on, as they don't seem to be feeding, just flapping their wings and flying in circles. 

Sunday finally seemed like winter, with temperatures in the 20's and a dusting of snow.  It was too windy to kayak so after breakfast and a blog, I went for a walk around our Victoria/Woodlawn woods, an easy 35-minute jaunt.  It was fine until I walked home along the lakefront, with the bitter northerly wind hitting me in the face.  I couldn't wait to get to a warm and cozy house. 

Hiking In The Woods


Woodlawn In Winter

Evie soldiered on most of the day, getting a few things done, but running down and becoming tired as the day wore on.  Other than organizing the freezer by taking everything out, throwing out the old stuff, and putting everything back, we did little other than watch TV, especially football, enough so that we were sick of it by late afternoon, after the Bills game.  We eschewed a big Sunday breakfast but Evie did make me a bagel with avocado and egg to go along with a bowl of her soup.  I was happy. 

The rest of the afternoon, we switched back and forth between the Bills/Falcons game and the Bengals/Chiefs, both teams we follow.  So by the end of both games, we had enough football and switched CBS Sunday Morning, always interesting and then a couple of episodes of Hometown before dinner.

Dinner was compliments of our neighbor, Pat, ham balls with a sweet sauce. Earlier, Evie had taken the ham loaf out of the freezer, defrosted it, and made it into balls.  During wine time, they baked in the oven for an hour, then were served with the sweet sour sauce, a salad, and rolls for a tasty dinner.  Our evening viewing included another Hometown, some football, and the last episode of the HBOMax series, Landscapers. It's a quirky show, based on an actual couple who murder the wife's parents.  The last episode strangely moved from realism to fantasy, imaging the couple in a John Ford Western, as they ride off into the sunset. Heavy...figure that out. It was time to go to bed and get back to my retirees as they solve a murder in Richard Osman's The Man Who Died Twice, A Thursday Murder Club Mystery. 

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