Monday Evening Clouds At 7:45PM |
6:43 |
7:09 |
It's just 7:00 on an overcast morning, cloudless as all is gray. It's cooled off some, 42º, and the lake is a mass of gray shimmering, without a boat or duck in sight. There's a heavy fog warning but so far, it has not touched the lake. I am having my Outback checked over this morning at 9:00 so I was only able to get in a short paddle,
Kayak Morning |
Common Merganser |
Wood Duck |
Yesterday was a strange day, mostly of getting little things done but nothing of much import. I did have a great paddle early, then wrote the blog, Weather-wise, it was also strange as we had rain showers off and on during the morning and afternoon but they never lasted long and were often followed by sunshine and blue skies. It happened in the morning when I drove to Lakewood, to pick up a few things at a busy Walmart. After I checked out, I walked out into rain, hurried to my car, and drove to Ryder's Cup for a coffee, talking briefly to Dave, an old friend, for the first time in a year.
We are heading West on Thursday so that we have begun the task of sprucing up the house and figuring out what to take on our first road trip in nine months, always an arduous task. Lunch was toasted cheese and ramen and I watched George Gently finally corral a bad guy. I will stick with him for a bit. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, reading, napping and reading, and listening to CNN on Sonos. Evie drove to Mayville to a new store that takes returns for Amazon.
Photographing The Sky |
6:43 PM |
7:43 |
7:44 |
We then had a relaxing happy hour, treating ourselves to a bowl of popcorn, watching the amazing changing sky of late afternoon, How lucky we are to literally a new painting outside our window almost every fifteen minutes. Yesterday, the interplay of sunlight and clouds and shadows kept us busy taking photographs. Dinner was a snap, the leftover ham and potatoes, so all Evie had to do was heat it up in the oven and make a salad. We watched a couple of home improvement shows then two more episodes of Shtisel. We have only two more episodes to go before we finish the series, alas.
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