Thursday, November 5, 2020

Want To Make God Laugh? Make A Plan!



It's a beautiful morning here at the lake, the sky partly cloudy, parts filled with light.  We are experiencing an Indian Summer, quite a contrast to the snow this past week.  Temperatures are in the high 60's for the next week, perfect for hiking and working in the yard. I just turned off Morning Joe, the election of President still up in the air with Trump's lawyers contesting the results wherever he seems to have lost or is in the process of losing.  In Phoenix, at least 150 Trump supporters, some armed, protested the count in Maricopa County.  It's 9:10 and I have been out kayaking for over an hour, a perfect lake morning, lots of sunshine, calm waters, and just moi.

Kayak Morning

Paddling Towards The Sun

Paddling Towards Stow

Yesterday was not a good day, mostly because neither of us slept well Tuesday night because of the election.  I was up at 5:00, waiting for everyone else to rise.  We sat around Linda and Ron's, somewhat optimistic as things had changed overnight and Biden had a chance to win.  Ron and I drove off to the Lighthouse Grocery at 10:00 and picked up breakfast sandwiches, eggs, cheese and Canadian bacon, the best.  We left after breakfast, around 11:00 and even though I was tired, once we settled down in the house, I went out and raked more twigs and leaves and Evie soon joined me, both of us raking to avoid our nervousness.  

Hooded Megansers And Coots

Lunch was soup, healthy and tasty and I watched my show, waiting to get both over with so I could go upstairs and nap, hoping to catch up on my sleep.  I slept for less than an hour, woke tired and cranky, wishing I could have slelp more.  I then watched some of the news but nothing had changed, as vote counting seemed to have stopped in Arizona and Nevada, the two crucial states for Biden.  I soon was bored and went back out in the yard, raked more, and took barrels of twigs and leaves up the hill.  It felt good to be doing something and it's always nice to have the leaves raked and gone,

Beers Outdoors With The Guys

Around 4:00, I left for beers with the guys.  We sat outside on Tom's patio, safely distanced, the temperature comfortable, and went through the angst we all felt the previous 24 hours and wondering why anyone would vote for Trump.  I guess half of the country feels that way.  Anyways, it was fun to get together and we left only when the moon and stars came out, around 6:00.  

We had an easy dinner as neither of us was that hungry.  Evie made ham and cheese sandwiches, warmed up the vegetable soup and that was dinner.  We watched the Colbert special from Tuesday night on Showtime, The Great English Baking Show, and some of the news coverage and had enough around 9:00 and went up to bed early, tired from our day.  

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