Monday, November 16, 2020

Truth Decay



It's 8:40 and I paddled for 35 minutes, hit occasionally by snow pellets on a 36º morning.  I was listening to an interview with Obama this morning where he talked about the past four years of truth decay, a perfect way of putting what is happening to our world, our democracy, compliments of Drumpt and Fox News. Scary times.

Kayaking On A Gray Morning Sky

Yesterday was a day of bad weather in the area, as many of the communities nearby are still without power. We were lucky to avoid any loss of power even though I am sure we experienced gusts of 60 or 70 mph mid-afternoon, shaking the house, knocking down lots of deadfall from our maples. It was so windy and ugly out early that I didn't even contemplate kayaking.  Instead, after breakfast and the blog, I practiced yoga for forty-five minutes on my own, unable to get Yoga With Adrienne on YouTube.

Stormy Afternoon

We did not get outside because of the wind and rain so we did what needed to be done stripped the beds and washed the sheets and changed toppers for our beds, lots of fun.  That took us to breakfast time and Evie made a load of homefries with onions and fried eggs.  We feasted on the homefries, the eggs, and watched CBS Sunday Morning, a good part being an interview with Obama because his book is being published Tuesday.

Wild, Windy Lake

We wasted the rest of the afternoon, watching TV, reading, napping or listening to the news.  We were nervous as well because of the constant moaning of the wind, occasional gusts that shook the house.  I watched some of the Masters and  Bills football game but I get easily bored with sports these days.  

We had a brief wine time and a no-fuss dinner because neither of us wanted to do much in the kitchen,  Evie made a salad, heated up the leftover pizza and I poured myself a Pepsi and that was it for dinner.  We watched three episodes of The Crown on Netflix, bored by episode three which was mostly about Diana.  It painted her as a victim, of Charles and the Royalty, anxious to marry him off even if he loved someone else.  We ended the night with another episode of The Hour on Prime.  

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