Monday, November 9, 2020

A Glorious Lake Erie Sunset

What a morning on the lake, brilliant sunshine, placid lake water, 43º, and I was the only one on the lake for most of my paddle.  I am sad to say the herons have headed south since I have not photographed any in a couple of weeks.  For now, only mallards, seagulls, and a raft of mergansers seem to remain.

7:07 AM

Kayak Morning

Long Point

Sunday was much like the past week, sunny and warm although we did not do much outside.  We had a long Sunday morning coffee, just enjoying the warmth of the sun in our living room.  I paddled for an hour down to Whitney Bay, trying to avoid the sun but couldn't on the way home.  Finally, around 10:30, we got up off our duff and drove to the Chautauqua Institution for a walk on the leaf-covered walks,  The number of residents is dwindling and all gates are now open.  It was good to get out for a bit, then head home.

Chautauqua Institution's Woods

We had a quick and light lunch since we were going for a picnic at 2:30 with Linda and Ron so Evie made an omelet with feta cheese and bagels as we watched CBS Sunday Morning.  I then tried to nap but ended up watching the Buffalo Bills on TV until it was time to leave.  

Ready To Picnic

Cliffs Of Lake Erie

We picked up Linda and Ron and drove the lovely backroads through Amish country to near Brocton, NY, where Lake Erie State Park where 355 acres are situated on the shores of Lake Erie, in the town of Portland. We have been there before but never picnicked.  We parked our car and walked down to the beach although it was mostly layers of slate, not sand.  We were able to walk west along the cliffs on the slate for close to a half-mile because the lake was so calm. 

Lake Erie Shore

I have rarely seen Lake Erie so motionless.  After our walk, we carried our picnic up a hill to a picnic table overlooking the lake,  For dinner, we had chicken sandwiches, with coleslaw and pickled cucumbers and Linda made a farro salad with veggies, both were great.  We went for the sunset, something we never get to witness at our house because we are facr east, a sunset, I might add, my sister, Linda,  gets every evening at her home in Euclid, Ohio.  

Happy Biden Voters

It was just as spectacular as we hoped and I took mega photos as this huge orange ball slowly sunk into the horizon, with a green pop (not really).  We then packed up our picnic and drove home through Westfield, surprised at how early it was when we drove into our parking area.

Gumby On The Rocks

We spent the night watching TV, what else, lots about Drumpt's attempts to steal the election by calling it fraudulent.  We watched part of SNL, some Chris Wallace, Bill Maher, then two more episodes of Teheran before bed, having sat down at 6:00.  

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