Monday, May 4, 2020

Windy, Wavy and Surprisingly Cold

It's 8:10 and I have been a busy boy having woke early, at 5:40.  I had my coffee, read some of the New York Times and Washington Post, listened briefly to Morning Joe then put on a couple of layers of clothes, grabbed my coffee and camera, and went for a windy and rough paddle down to Sandy Bottom and back.  It was too rough to take any photos as the kayak bobbed up and down.  I was out for just over a half-hour, then spent 15 minutes watering some of the bare spots in our yard.  I have tried to grow grass in certain areas time after time with little success but this year I am going to do it.  Inshallah.

Kayak Morning
Waves And Clouds
Sunday was another beautiful weekend day, a carbon copy of Saturday.  I paddled over an hour and a half, crossing the lake and back, enjoying the blues of the lake and sky.  When I returned from kayaking, we had a leisurely Sunday morning, taking our time to get busy with the yard.  By 11:00, we were ready to go so I went up into the garage attic and pulled out more summer stuff, window boxes in particular as Evie wanted to get a start on them, putting in the wave petunias we bought on Friday from Stans. While she worked on the window boxes, I got out the sump pump, hung it off our dock, so that I could water the new grass, the garden, and the bushes and privets without using our well.  I do this every year and it works well although it's a pain running an electric line from the house to the dock and sump pump each time I water.  

Surprisingly, I worked up a sweat because the temperature was in the 70's, the warmest it has been so far in 2020.  We had our typical big breakfast although Evie cut the bacon out because yesterday was Ham Sunday, sorry to say, Linda and Ron, who we usually invite over for dinner.  Besides eggs, Evie made home fries with sweet onions, enough so they literally drown out the eggs. Love those onions, We watched part of CBS Sunday Morning because  Evie was anxious to get back outside and enjoy the day.  I typically stayed in, read, and napped and woke, ready to get back to work.  On Friday, we bought some grass seed which includes fertilizer, guaranteed to grow so we spent a good hour working on bare spots.  By 4:30, the flower boxes were filled with both flowers and herbs and we had seeded the bare spots and water them thoroughly with lake water.

Wood Ducks At Dusk
They Love Our Grass
We decided we deserved a beer so we pulled out a couple of koozies and went out on the dock to enjoy the late afternoon and bask in the sense of a Sunday well done.  We had no worry about dinner because all Evie had to do was bake the ham in the oven for an hour and a half and we had dinner.  She also made some coleslaw to go with the ham and parsleyed butter potatoes.  It was as good a ham as we have ever had or we were just hungry because we both went back for seconds.  We decided to binge-watch Homeland and viewed three episodes before finishing the night with Cheers.

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