Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Dab Of Spring Color

Forget Me Nots
Skunk Cabbage and Ferns
I am back from a forty-five-minute paddle, down to Bootey Bay and back.  It was fine paddling down, windy and cold on the way back on 38º morning.  When I walked into the kitchen, Evie was taking the rest of the ham off the bone and was ready to make hambone soup. 

Kayak Morning
Double-Crested Cormorants
Yesterday morning was a busy one for me, the afternoon, busy for Evie.  I started my morning with a long, hour and a half paddle down to Snug Harbor and back.  By the time I returned, I was already tired out but kept going for some reason.  After the blog and breakfast, I watered the lawn and bushes and plants for 15 minutes.  Then, I worked in the garden, helping Evie, weed, and turn over the soil, getting it ready for planting.  There are also many low areas that need more topsoil so I drove off to the gravel pit and came home with five more buckets of topsoil and distributed them around the low spots in the garden. By 11:30, I was pooped, came in a read some and relaxed while Evie made me a great lunch, warmed up twice-baked potatoes with eggs.  I watched my show, read, and took a nap as usual.

Evie, meanwhile, spent a good part of the afternoon working, digging and weeding in her garden, a never-ending task but rewarding once she's done because she can see progress.  She would take a break from weeding and cut part of our neighbor's yard, then go back to the wedding, then finish the yard, a good way to give her back a break.  I am a lucky guy who has a wife that loves to mow. 

Kinney's Run
I didn't do much, having been busy all morning but by 4:30, I decided I needed a walk so I spent 35 minutes walking the Woodlawn/Victoria woods, as Spring is just beginning to begin.  Lots of skunk cabbage and fields of blue flowers cover much of the woods.  I talked briefly with our neighbors, John and Maryanne, working in their yard and both are doing well.

Trail Bordered By Forget Me Nots
Evie was finished with her mowing when I came home and because it was Tuesday, our steak night, she could relax and not worry about dinner.  I left for Steener's Pub and picked up our Delmonico's and fries around 6:30 and by 6:45 we were ensconced in front of our TV, watching Colbert.  Because we finished Homeland, we had to find a new series so we settled on Deadwater Fell, a four part British series on Acorn TV.  We are both sure we watched the first episode before because it was so familiar but most have stopped for some reason.  We ended the night with Cheers.

I am sorry to end the blog with a sad note.  Sandy Fuller, 'The Flower Lady,' from Blockville passed away at 79 this past weekend.  For many of us, she was our go-to place for perennials for at least twenty five years.  The price never changed, two bucks a shovelful of plants and we could always find her in the vast garden, weeding, planting, ready to help us pick out perennials, annuals, even bushes.  We will miss her.

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